The Trial For Murder, written in 1865, is a short story by Charles Dickens. It is one of Dickens' ghost stories, and is perhaps the best known outside of "A Christmas Carol." In the tale, a certain murder was committed in England, which attracted great attention. As described in the article, when the Murderer was asked by the Judge whether he had anything to say before sentence of Death should be passed upon him, he complain that he had not had a fair trial, because the Foreman of the Jury was prepossessed against him. The remarkable declaration that he really made was this: "My Lord, I knew I was a doomed man, when the Foreman of my jury came into the box. My Lord, I knew he would never let me off, because, before I was taken, he somehow got to my bedside in the night, woke me, and put a rope round my neck."