大唐天宝年间,武林盟主的三小姐林慕雪在成亲前夕,采花大盗突然造访,失去清白之躯的三小姐被未婚夫强势退婚,父亲以“自甘堕落,辱尽门风”为由将她无情地逐出家门。结果她学了李白的剑法,公孙大娘原来是她亲生母亲,李隆基为她所倾倒,安禄山因为她而造反。林慕雪:“我本打算以平常人的身份和你们相处,你们竟然要逼我做武林盟主!”Shirley(I) 雪莉(英文版)
Shirley, A Tale is an 1849 social novel by the English novelist Charlotte Bront?. It was Bront?'s second published novel after Jane Eyre (originally published under Bront?'s pseudonym Currer Bell). Set in Yorkshire during the time of the Luddite unrest—a labor movement that began in 1811-1812 in an effort to protect the interests of the working class—the novel consists of two narrative strands woven together, one involving the struggles of workers against mill owners, and the other involving the romantic entanglements of the two heroines. The novel's popularity led to Shirley's becoming a woman's name. The title character was given the name that her father had intended to give a son. Before the publication of the novel, Shirley was an uncommon – but distinctly male – name and would have been an unusual name for a woman. Today it is regarded as a distinctly female name and an uncommon male name.浪漫小语(少男少女文摘修订)