
Twenty Years After(I) 达尔达尼央浪漫曲之二:二十年后(下)(英文版)

状态:连载作者:(法)Alexandre Dumas

Twenty Years After is a novel by Alexandre Dumas. The novel follows events in France during the Fronde, during the childhood reign of Louis XIV, and in England near the end of the English Civil War, leading up to the victory of Oliver Cromwell and the execution of King Charles I. Through the words of the main characters, particularly Athos, Dumas comes out on the side of the monarchy in general, or at least the text often praises the idea of benevolent pgsk.com fantastic adventures of the Three Musketeers continue - starting with an intrigue surrounding D'Artagnan who has, for twenty years, remained a lieutenant. His musketeers are valiant and just in their efforts to protect young Louis XIV and the doomed Charles I from their attackers.

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