文案一:路慢慢第一次遇见宋临安,被连累扣掉一大笔工资。路慢慢第二次遇见宋临安,狠狠踩了宋临安一脚。路慢慢第三次遇见宋临安,宋临安成了她的学长。出于对学长的敬爱之情,路慢慢谨小慎微,乖乖在宋临安面前扮演着人畜无害的兔子学妹。没成想,宋学长却是筹谋许久、步步紧逼、攻城略地。学妹,谈个恋爱吗?文案二:路慢慢她妈是个颜控,所以找了路慢慢她爸。从小眼瞅着路爸路妈美貌长大的路慢慢,就如同吃惯山珍海味的皇帝偏爱清粥白菜一样,初三时就立志,坚决不和长的帅的男生谈恋爱。偏偏,她又遇见了宋临安。宋临安,文韬武略,足智多谋,貌比潘安,玉树临风……什么都好,就一点,长的太好看。路慢慢摇头又晃脑,可惜啊可惜。但大概宋临安也是个偏爱清粥白菜的怪皇帝,那么多崇拜他的美貌奉他为神袛的女生,他不要。偏盯上了对他没那么有非分之想的路慢慢。她还能怎么办呢?当然是收了这众多小妖精垂涎的唐僧肉!毕竟她随路妈,是个颜控啊!呐,听说你长的很好看~Cause to Fear (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 4)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense: CAUSE TO FEAR (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 4).When a body turns up floating beneath the frozen Charles River, the Boston Police summons its most brilliant and controversial homicide detective—Avery Black—to close the case. It doesn't take Avery long, however, to realize that this is no isolated murder: it is the work of a serial killer.Other bodies begin to turn up, all of them sharing one thing in common: all are trapped in ice. Is it all a coincidence—or the signature of a particularly deranged killer?