简介:前世被所谓的家人,爱人和朋友背叛,直至差点魂飞魄散。而这一世因为重生在刚出生的时候,把上一世到死都不知道的阴谋给卷了出来。被某男人壁咚:“你得对我负责,我俩可是互相盖过章的."李若初:“呃?负哪门子的责?盖了什么章?”男人:“你亲过我,我也亲过你”李若初:”哈,开什么玩笑,你别把你做的梦当现实好吗?“男人:“你满月的时候亲的!”李若初:“......,那我还亲过其他人,是不是都要负责啊”男人:“..."继续不死心的说道:”你救过我,救命之恩,我当然得以身相许。“李若初:“呃???这...又是什么时候的事?”男人:“你三个多月大的时候。”李若初:"......"喵了个咪的,还是小孩时就被惦记上了!!!重生+复仇+空间+位面系统+1V1强强互宠的甜蜜文哟The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Upon its hardcover publication, renowned author Philip Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ provoked heated debates and stirred a frenzy of controversy throughout the clerical and literary worlds alike with its bold retelling of the life of Jesus pgsk.com this remarkable piece of fiction, famously atheistic author Philip Pullman challenges the events of the Gospels and puts forward his own compelling and plausible version of the life of Jesus. Written with unstinting authority, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ is a pithy, erudite, subtle, and powerful book by a beloved author, a text to be read and reread, studied and unpacked, much like the Good Book itself.