The Woman Who Rode Away And Other Stories(II) 骑马出走
This is the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. The thirteen short stories in this volume were written between 1924 and 1928, which were set in both England and America. the following short stories are included: The Woman Who Rode Away; Two Blue Birds; Sun; Smile; The Border-Line; Jimmy and the Desperate Woman; The Last Laugh; In Love; The Man Who Loved Islands; Glad Ghosts; None of That!; The Rocking-Horse Winner; The Lovely Lady. Eleven were collected in The Woman Who Rode Away (1928), though 'The Man Who Loved Islands' appeared in the American edition only and the other two in The Lovely Lady (1933).The stories reflect Lawrence's experiences in the post-war period. Many were considerably revised and some were completely rewritten by Lawrence, subsequently were published in different versions.A Radiant Life
A Radiant Life presents the unequivocal voice of Nuala O'Faolain tackling a vast range of subjects from Catholicism to feminism, from Sinatra to Africa, and from Irish American culture to Islam and the West. Curious and funny, tender and scathing, O'Faolain's columns were never less than trenchant and were always passionate. "I was blinded by the habit of translating everything into personal terms," she writes apologetically, but this is the power of her journalism. Through the prism of casual, everyday encounters, O'Faolain presses her subject, reaching beyond the prompting of the moment to transcend topicality. The result is a cumulative historical narrative, an inadvertent chronicle of a transformed Ireland by one of its sharpest observers and canniest pgsk.com for A Radiant Life:"This book is a gift." -The Boston Globe
青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。隔壁班那个同学在喜欢我