
The Mysterious Island 神秘岛(I)(英文版)评论

  • Walk Out Walk On

    Walk Out Walk On

    No One Is Coming to Help. Now What? In this era of increasingly complex problems and shrinking resources, can we find meaningful and enduring solutions to the challenges we face today as individuals, communities, and nations?
  • Ficciones
  • Cubs and Other Stories

    Cubs and Other Stories

    The Cubs and Other Stories is Mario Vargas Llosa's only volume of short fiction available in English. Vargas Llosa's domain is the Peru of male youth and machismo, where life's dramas play themselves out on the soccer field, on the dance floor and on street corners. The title work, The Cubs, tells the story of the carefree boyhood of PP Cuellar and his friends, and of PP's bizarre accident and tragic coming of age. In a candid and perceptive foreword to this collection of early writing, Vargas Llosa provides background to the volume and a unique glimpse into the mind of the artist.
  • Forever, Plus One (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 6

    Forever, Plus One (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 6

    "Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)FOREVER, PLUS ONE is book #6 in the bestselling romance series The Inn at Sunset Harbor, which begins with book #1, For Now and Forever—a free download!35 year old Emily Mitchell is still reeling from the surprise news that she is pregnant. Just married, she and Danielle have no time to process the news as they are thrust into doctor appointments, preparing for the baby's arrival—and, in a surprise party, the revelation of their baby's gender.
  • A Face Like Glass

    A Face Like Glass

    In the underground city of Caverna, the world's most skilled craftsmen toil in the darkness to create delicacies beyond compare—wines that remove memories, cheeses that make you hallucinate, and perfumes that convince you to trust the wearer, even as they slit your throat. On the surface, the people of Caverna seem ordinary, except for one thing: their faces are as blank as untouched snow. Expressions must be learned, and only the famous Facesmiths can teach a person to express (or fake) joy, despair, or fear—at a steep price. Into this dark and distrustful world comes Neverfell, a girl with no memory of her past and a face so terrifying to those around her that she must wear a mask at all times. Neverfell's expressions are as varied and dynamic as those of the most skilled Facesmiths, except hers are entirely genuine. And that makes her very dangerous indeed…
  • 烟头儿


  • 华严经旨归


  • 末世圣冰姬


  • The Tin Woodman of Oz

    The Tin Woodman of Oz

  • 桃花涩涩雪倾城


    一颗红色琉璃珠,一块雪色鸳鸯佩!!一个误入时空的女子,带着她的纯真执着,打动了一个又一个人的心,也许是缘分弄人,那年桃花祈愿是谁入了谁的心,是谁惊艳了谁的眼!!槿色年华,灵动一生,在最美的年华里她遇见了他,原以为这就是幸福,时过境迁才发现原来幸福于她来说只是镜中花水中月,可遇不可求!! 一场幻境用于忘却,却被他人打断,再见她是天之骄女,他是百花之仙,兜兜转转,他们可否破镜重圆…………
  • 老虎的挣扎


  • 永明智觉禅师唯心诀


  • 御纪


  • 快穿之暖男改造计划


    【男主文快穿】他是冷血无情的代言词,现实他被唯一信任的人害死。与系统达成协议,帮助它收集每个小世界的灵魂力,它助他复活。 可在穿越了多个世界以后,时迁发现自己真正的使命,以及明白了爱情的真正意义。
  • 七里樱

