

"Never that I know of, mama."

"I don't mean by SAYING things," Mrs. Adams explained, impatiently. "There are more ways than that of hurting people.

When a man sticks to a salary that doesn't provide for his family, isn't that hurting them?""Oh, it 'provides' for us well enough, mama. We have what we need--if I weren't so extravagant. Oh, _I_ know I am!"But at this admission her mother cried out sharply.

"'Extravagant!' You haven't one tenth of what the other girls you go with have. And you CAN'T have what you ought to as long as he doesn't get out of that horrible place. It provides bare food and shelter for us, but what's that?""I don't think we ought to try any more to change him.""You don't?" Mrs. Adams came and stood before her. "Listen, Alice: your father's asleep; that's his trouble, and he's got to be waked up. He doesn't know that things have changed. When you and Walter were little children we did have enough-- at least it seemed to be about as much as most of the people we knew. But the town isn't what it was in those days, and times aren't what they were then, and these fearful PRICES aren't the old prices.

Everything else but your father has changed, and all the time he's stood still. He doesn't know it; he thinks because they've given him a hundred dollars more every two years he's quite a prosperous man! And he thinks that because his children cost him more than he and I cost our parents he gives them-- enough!""But Walter----" Alice faltered. "Walter doesn't cost him anything at all any more." And she concluded, in a stricken voice, "It's all--me!""Why shouldn't it be?" her mother cried. "You're young--you're just at the time when your life should be fullest of good things and happiness. Yet what do you get?"Alice's lip quivered; she was not unsusceptible to such an appeal, but she contrived the semblance of a protest. "I don't have such a bad time not a good DEAL of the time, anyhow. I've got a good MANY of the things other girls have----""You have?" Mrs. Adams was piteously satirical. "I suppose you've got a limousine to go to that dance to-night? I suppose you've only got to call a florist and tell him to send you some orchids? I suppose you've----"But Alice interrupted this list. Apparently in a single instant all emotion left her, and she became businesslike, as one in the midst of trifles reminded of really serious matters. She got up from the bed and went to the door of the closet where she kept her dresses. "Oh, see here," she said, briskly. "I've decided to wear my white organdie if you could put in a new lining for me. I'm afraid it'll take you nearly all afternoon."She brought forth the dress, displayed it upon the bed, and Mrs.

Adams examined it attentively.

"Do you think you could get it done, mama?""I don't see why not," Mrs. Adams answered, passing a thoughtful hand over the fabric. "It oughtn't to take more than four or five hours.""It's a shame to have you sit at the machine that long," Alice said, absently, adding, "And I'm sure we ought to let papa alone.

Let's just give it up, mama."

Mrs. Adams continued her thoughtful examination of the dress.

"Did you buy the chiffon and ribbon, Alice?""Yes. I'm sure we oughtn't to talk to him about it any more, mama.""Well, we'll see."

"Let's both agree that we'll NEVER say another single word to him about it," said Alice. "It'll be a great deal better if we just let him make up his mind for himself."

  • 七天,让人族成为序列


  • 震撼中国的100位英雄模范人生


    虽然生活的年代不同、事迹不同,但他们都为新中国的成立作出了贡献。他们坚定的理想信念、崇高的人生境界和无私奉献的精神永远值得我们学习! 他们是民族的英雄,时代的先锋,祖国的骄傲!他们的名字如璀璨的明星,照亮了后人前行的道路!他们的功绩会永远载入中华人民共和国的史册!他们永远是人们学习的榜样! 八女投江、夏明翰、张学良、杨虎城、白求恩、刘胡兰、狼牙山五壮士、董存瑞……他们的人生都是壮美的。他们的名字令人感动、催人奋进。本书属人物传记类图书。本书以“双百”人物为对象,再现了他们光荣模范的一生事迹,为弘扬爱国精神、社会主义文明提供榜样。
  • 张中行经典


  • 台湾私法人事编


  • 莫失莫忘(典藏版)


  • 重生农门:18贤妻是枭雄


  • 普兰特星国


  • 烬铅华


  • 所有人都知道我是穿越的


  • 七里樱

