

Now we must again take up our story where we left it, -- that Erling and his son Skjalg held a council on this affair, and according to the resolution of Erling, and of Skjalg and his other sons, it was determined to assemble a force and send out message-tokens.A great multitude of people accordingly came together.They got ready with all speed, rigged their ships, and when they reckoned upon their force they found they had nearly 1500 men.With this war-force they set off, and came on Sunday to Augvaldsnes on Karmt Island.They went straight up to the house with all the men, and arrived just as the Scripture lesson was read.They went directly to the church, took Asbjorn, and broke off his chains.At the tumult and clash of arms all who were outside of the church ran into it; but they who were in the church looked all towards them, except the king, who stood still, without looking around him.Erling and his sons drew up their men on each side of the path which led from the church to the hall, and Erling with his sons stood next to the hall.When high mass was finished the king went immediately out of the church, and first went through the open space between the ranks drawn up, and then his retinue, man by man; and as he came to the door Erling placed himself before the door, bowed to the king, and saluted him.The king saluted him in return, and prayed God to help him.Erling took up the word first, and said, "My relation, Asbjorn, it is reported to me, has been guilty of misdemeanor, king; and it is a great one, if he has done anything that incurs your displeasure.Now I am come to entreat for him peace, and such penalties as you yourself may determine; but that thereby he redeem life and limb, and his remaining here in his native land."The king replies, "It appears to me, Erling, that thou thinkest the case of Asbjorn is now in thy own power, and I do not therefore know why thou speakest now as if thou wouldst offer terms for him.I think thou hast drawn together these forces because thou are determined to settle what is between us."Erling replies, "Thou only, king, shalt determine, and determine so that we shall be reconciled."The king: "Thinkest thou, Erling, to make me afraid? And art thou come here in such force with that expectation? No, that shall not be; and if that be thy thought, I must in no way turn and fly."Erling replies, "Thou hast no occasion to remind me how often Ihave come to meet thee with fewer men than thou hadst.But now Ishall not conceal what lies in my mind, namely, that it is my will that we now enter into a reconciliation; for otherwise Iexpect we shall never meet again." Erling was then as red as blood in the face.

Now Bishop Sigurd came forward to the king and said, "Sire, Ientreat you on God Almighty's account to be reconciled with Erling according to his offer, -- that the man shall retain life and limb, but that thou shalt determine according to thy pleasure all the other conditions."The king replies, "You will determine."Then said the bishop, "Erling, do thou give security for Asbjorn, such as the king thinks sufficient, and then leave the conditions to the mercy of the king, and leave all in his power."Erling gave a surety to the king on his part, which he accepted.

Thereupon Asbjorn received his life and safety, and delivered himself into the king's power, and kissed his hand.

Erling then withdrew with his forces, without exchanging salutation with the king; and the king went into the hall, followed by Asbjorn.The king thereafter made known the terms of reconciliation to be these: -- "In the first place, Asbjorn, thou must submit to the law of the land, which commands that the man who kills a servant of the king must undertake his service, if the king will.Now I will that thou shalt undertake the office of bailiff which Thorer Sel had, and manage my estate here in Augvaldsnes." Asbjorn replies, that it should be according to the king's will; "but I must first go home to my farm, and put things in order there." The king was satisfied with this, and proceeded to another guest-quarter.Asbjorn made himself ready with his comrades, who all kept themselves concealed in a quiet creek during the time Asbjorn was away from them.They had had their spies out to learn how it went with him, and would not depart without having some certain news of him.


Asbjorn then set out on his voyage, and about spring (A.D.1023)got home to his farm.After this exploit he was always called Asbjorn Selsbane.Asbjorn had not been long at home before he and his relation Thorer met and conversed together, and Thorer asked Asbjorn particularly all about his journey, and about all the circumstances which had happened on the course of it.

Asbjorn told everything as it had taken place.

Then said Thorer, "Thou thinkest that thou hast well rubbed out the disgrace of having been plundered in last harvest.""I think so," replies Asbjorn; "and what is thy opinion, cousin?""That I will soon tell thee," said Thorer."Thy first expedition to the south of the country was indeed very disgraceful, and that disgrace has been redeemed; but this expedition is both a disgrace to thee and to thy family, if it end in thy becoming the king's slave, and being put on a footing with that worst of men, Thorer Sel.Show that thou art manly enough to sit here on thy own property, and we thy relations shall so support thee that thou wilt never more come into such trouble."Asbjorn found this advice much to his mind; and before they parted it was firmly, determined that Asbjorn should remain on his farm, and not go back to the king or enter into his service.

And he did so, and sat quietly at home on his farm.


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