

Skjalg Erlingson stood up, went before the king, and said, "Now may it go, as it often does, that every case will admit of alleviation.I will pay thee the mulct for the bloodshed on account of this man, so that he may retain life and limbs.All the rest determine and do, king, according to thy pleasure."The king replies, "Is it not a matter of death, Skjalg, that a man break the Easter peace; and in the next place that he kills a man in the king's lodging; and in the third that he makes my feet his execution-block, although that may appear a small matter to thee and thy father?"Skjalg replies, "It is ill done, king, in as far as it displeases thee; but the deed is, otherwise, done excellently well.But if the deed appear to thee so important, and be so contrary to thy will, yet may I expect something for my services from thee; and certainly there are many who will say that thou didst well."The king replies, "Although thou hast made me greatly indebted to thee, Skjalg, for thy services, yet I will not for thy sake break the law, or cast away my own dignity."Then Skjalg turned round, and went out of the hall.Twelve men who had come with Skjalg all followed him, and many others went out with him.Skjalg said to Thorarin Nefiulfson, "If thou wilt have me for a friend, take care that this man be not killed before Sunday." Thereupon Skjalg and his men set off, took a rowing boat which he had, and rowed south as fast as they could, and came to Jadar with the first glimpse of morning.They went up instantly to the house, and to the loft in which Erling slept.

Skjalg rushed so hard against the door that it burst asunder at the nails.Erling and the others who were within started up.He was in one spring upon his legs, grasped his shield and sword, and rushed to the door, demanding who was there.Skjalg named himself, and begs him to open the door.Erling replies, "It was most likely to be thee who hast behaved so foolishly; or is there any one who is pursuing thee?" Thereupon the door was unlocked.

Then said Skjalg, "Although it appears to thee that I am so hasty, I suppose our relation Asbjorn will not think my proceedings too quick; for he sits in chains there in the north at Augvaldsnes, and it would be but manly to hasten back and stand by him." The father and son then had a conversation together, and Skjalg related the whole circumstances of Thorer Sel's murder.


King Olaf took his seat again when everything in the hall was put in order, and was enraged beyond measure.He asked how it was with the murderer.He was answered, that he was sitting out upon the doorstep under guard.

The king says, "Why is he not put to death?"Thorarin Nefiulfson replies, "Sire, would you not call it murder to kill a man in the night-time?"The king answers, "Put him in irons then, and kill him in the morning."Then Asbjorn was laid in chains, and locked up in a house for the night.The day after the king heard the morning mass, and then went to the Thing, where he sat till high mass.As he was going to mass he said to Thorarin, "Is not the sun high enough now in the heavens that your friend Asbjorn may be hanged?"Thorarin bowed before the king, and said, "Sire, it was said by Bishop Sigurd on Friday last, that the King who has all things in his power had to endure great temptation of spirit; and blessed is he who rather imitates him, than those who condemned the man to death, or those who caused his slaughter.It is not long till tomorrow, and that is a working day."The king looked at him, and said, "Thou must take care then that he is not put to death to-day; but take him under thy charge, and know for certain that thy own life shall answer for it if he escape in any way."Then the king went away.Thorarin went also to where Asbjorn lay in irons, took off his chains, and brought him to a small room, where he had meat and drink set before him, and told him what the king had determined in case Asbjorn ran away.Asbjorn replies, that Thorarin need not be afraid of him.Thorarin sat a long while with him during the day, and slept there all night.On Saturday the king arose and went to the early mass, and from thence he went to the Thing, where a great many bondes were assembled, who had many complaints to be determined.The king sat there long in the day, and it was late before the people went to high mass.Thereafter the king went to table.When he had got meat he sat drinking for a while, so that the tables were not removed.Thorarin went out to the priest who had the church under his care, and gave him two marks of silver to ring in the Sabbath as soon as the king's table was taken away.When the king had drunk as much as he wished the tables were removed.

Then said the king, that it was now time for the slaves to go to the murderer and put him to death.In the same moment the bell rang in the Sabbath.

Then Thorarin went before the king, and said, "The Sabbath-peace this man must have, although he has done evil."The king said, "Do thou take care, Thorarin, that he do not escape."The king then went to the church, and attended the vesper service, and Thorarin sat the whole day with Asbjorn.On Sunday the bishop visited Asbjorn, confessed him, and gave him orders to hear high mass.Thorarin then went to the king, and asked him to appoint men to guard the murderer."I will now," he said, "be free of this charge." The king thanked him for his care, and ordered men to watch over Asbjorn, who was again laid in chains.

When the people went to high mass Asbjorn was led to the church, and he stood outside of the church with his guard; but the king and all the people stood in the church at mass.


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