

The landlady now returned to know if we did not chuse a more genteel apartment, to which assenting, we were shewn a room, where we could converse more freely. After we had talked ourselves into some degree of tranquillity, I could not avoid desiring some account of the gradations that led to her present wretched situation. 'That villain, sir,' said she, 'from the first day of our meeting made me honourable, though private, proposals.'

'Villain indeed,' cried I; 'and yet it in some measure surprizes me, how a person of Mr Burchell's good sense and seeming honour could be guilty of such deliberate baseness, and thus step into a family to undo it.'

'My dear papa,' returned my daughter, 'you labour under a strange mistake, Mr Burchell never attempted to deceive me. Instead of that he took every opportunity of privately admonishing me against the artifices of Mr Thornhill, who I now find was even worse than he represented him.'--'Mr Thornhill,' interrupted I, 'can it be?' --'Yes, Sir,' returned she, 'it was Mr Thornhill who seduced me, who employed the two ladies, as he called them, but who, in fact, were abandoned women of the town, without breeding or pity, to decoy us up to London. Their artifices, you may remember would have certainly succeeded, but for Mr Burchell's letter, who directed those reproaches at them, which we all applied to ourselves. How he came to have so much influence as to defeat their intentions, still remains a secret to me; but I am convinced he was ever our warmest sincerest friend.'

'You amaze me, my dear,' cried I; 'but now I find my first suspicions of Mr Thornhill's baseness were too well grounded: but he can triumph in security; for he is rich and we are poor. But tell me, my child, sure it was no small temptation that could thus obliterate all the impressions of such an education, and so virtuous a disposition as thine.'

'Indeed, Sir,' replied she, 'he owes all his triumph to the desire I had of making him, and not myself, happy. I knew that the ceremony of our marriage, which was privately performed by a popish priest, was no way binding, and that I had nothing to trust to but his honour.' 'What,' interrupted I, 'and were you indeed married by a priest, and in orders?'--'Indeed, Sir, we were,' replied she, 'though we were both sworn to conceal his name.'-- 'Why then, my child, come to my arms again, and now you are a thousand times more welcome than before; for you are now his wife to all intents and purposes; nor can all the laws of man, tho' written upon tables of adamant, lessen the force of that sacred connexion.'

'Alas, Papa,' replied she, 'you are but little acquainted with his villainies: he has been married already, by the same priest, to six or eight wives more, whom, like me, he has deceived and abandoned.'

'Has he so?' cried I, 'then we must hang the priest, and you shall inform against him to-morrow.'--'But Sir,' returned she, 'will that be right, when I am sworn to secrecy?'--'My dear,' I replied, 'if you have made such a promise, I cannot, nor will I tempt you to break it. Even tho' it may benefit the public, you must not inform against him. In all human institutions a smaller evil is allowed to procure a greater good; as in politics, a province may be given away to secure a kingdom; in medicine, a limb may be lopt off, to preserve the body. But in religion the law is written, and inflexible, never to do evil. And this law, my child, is right: for otherwise, if we commit a smaller evil, to procure a greater good, certain guilt would be thus incurred, in expectation of contingent advantage. And though the advantage should certainly follow, yet the interval between commission and advantage, which is allowed to be guilty, may be that in which we are called away to answer for the things we have done, and the volume of human actions is closed for ever. But I interrupt you, my dear, go on.'

'The very next morning,' continued she, 'I found what little expectations I was to have from his sincerity. That very morning he introduced me to two unhappy women more, whom, like me, he had deceived, but who lived in contented prostitution. I loved him too tenderly to bear such rivals in his affections, and strove to forget my infamy in a tumult of pleasures. With this view, I danced, dressed, and talked; but still was unhappy. The gentlemen who visited there told me every moment of the power of my charms, and this only contributed to encrease my melancholy, as I had thrown all their power quite away. Thus each day I grew more pensive, and he more insolent, till at last the monster had the assurance to offer me to a young Baronet of his acquaintance.

Need I describe, Sir, how his ingratitude stung me. My answer to this proposal was almost madness. I desired to part. As I was going he offered me a purse; but I flung it at him with indignation, and burst from him in a rage, that for a while kept me insensible of the miseries of my situation. But I soon looked round me, and saw myself a vile, abject, guilty thing, without one friend in the world to apply to. Just in that interval, a stage- coach happening to pass by, I took a place, it being my only aim to be driven at a distance from a wretch I despised and detested. I was set down here, where, since my arrival, my own anxiety, and this woman's unkindness, have been my only companions. The hours of pleasure that I have passed with my mamma and sister, now grow painful to me. Their sorrows are much; but mine is greater than theirs; for mine are mixed with guilt and infamy.'

'Have patience, my child,' cried I, 'and I hope things will yet be better. Take some repose to-night, and to-morrow I'll carry you home to your mother and the rest of the family, from whom you will receive a kind reception. Poor woman, this has gone to her heart: but she loves you still, Olivia, and will forget it.

  • 东谷所见


  • 曹溪一滴


  • 春渚纪闻


  • 儒门事亲


  • 九月十日雨中过张伯


  • 生死关


  • 小旅途


  • 大神与女神绯闻事件


  • 从崩坏开始旅行


  • 九美之1


  • 胡适谈哲学与人生


  • 萌淑女驾到之人鱼的信奉(小小姐贺岁系列)


    有多少人知道,自古及今,世界各地的英雄、侠客、忍者等传奇人物的 真正身份其实是拥有异能力的非凡人类,甚至是嬉戏人间的非人类?在这座名为知更城的古老海滨城市里,新世纪吸血鬼卡修选择了史上最 另类的“主食”——由他亲手培育出来的淑女的荷尔蒙气息。“三无少女”绯虹以及“假小子”星辰成为被培育对象,但她们非常不配合,因为她们出 生在异能世家,是知更城夜间守护者“夜鸥”的继承人,打心底认为自己与淑女无缘。这让淑女养成计划陷进了停滞不前的境况中,直到一名来自大海 的少年蓝夕打破僵局。蓝夕向绯虹讨要一颗在她上次溺水被救时所带走的深海明珠,他需要这颗明珠才能返回深海,但绯虹对此毫无记忆。
  • 青丝挽落花


  • 七里樱


  • 孔夫子入党


    谭运长:比较长时间以来,大概从上世纪八十年代末反思五四开始,到现在,对于中国传统文化的再评价、再认识,已成为学术界、思想界的一大潮流。最明显的就是王元化,从新启蒙向新国学的转变。很早的时候,大概就是1989年,我看到他在我老师(徐中玉先生)主编的那个杂志《文艺理论研究》上面,发表了一篇很长的文章,叫《五四断想》,就是纪念五四70周年引起的各种思考,里面就有很多反思。 一方面他讲到五四是个新传统,五四反传统,也是我们传统文化自身的选择。另外一方面,他认为五四当时的一些具体做法,特别是那种激进主义的态度,值得反思。