
第218章 Chapter LIV.(1)

I am so impatient to return to my own story, that what remains of young Le Fever's, that is, from this turn of his fortune, to the time my uncle Toby recommended him for my preceptor, shall be told in a very few words in the next chapter.--All that is necessary to be added to this chapter is as follows.--That my uncle Toby, with young Le Fever in his hand, attended the poor lieutenant, as chief mourners, to his grave.

That the governor of Dendermond paid his obsequies all military honours,--and that Yorick, not to be behind-hand--paid him all ecclesiastic--for he buried him in his chancel:--And it appears likewise, he preached a funeral sermon over him--I say it appears,--for it was Yorick's custom, which Isuppose a general one with those of his profession, on the first leaf of every sermon which he composed, to chronicle down the time, the place, and the occasion of its being preached: to this, he was ever wont to add some short comment or stricture upon the sermon itself, seldom, indeed, much to its credit:--For instance, This sermon upon the Jewish dispensation--Idon't like it at all;--Though I own there is a world of Water-Landish knowledge in it;--but 'tis all tritical, and most tritically put together.--This is but a flimsy kind of a composition; what was in my head when Imade it?

--N.B. The excellency of this text is, that it will suit any sermon,--and of this sermon,--that it will suit any text.----For this sermon I shall be hanged,--for I have stolen the greatest part of it. Doctor Paidagunes found me out. > Set a thief to catch a thief.--On the back of half a dozen I find written, So, so, and no more--and upon a couple Moderato; by which, as far as one may gather from Altieri's Italian dictionary,--but mostly from the authority of a piece of green whipcord, which seemed to have been the unravelling of Yorick's whip-lash, with which he has left us the two sermons marked Moderato, and the half dozen of So, so, tied fast together in one bundle by themselves,--one may safely suppose he meant pretty near the same thing.

There is but one difficulty in the way of this conjecture, which is this, that the moderato's are five times better than the so, so's;--show ten times more knowledge of the human heart;--have seventy times more wit and spirit in them;--(and, to rise properly in my climax)--discovered a thousand times more genius;--and to crown all, are infinitely more entertaining than those tied up with them:--for which reason, whene'er Yorick's dramatic sermons are offered to the world, though I shall admit but one out of the whole number of the so, so's, I shall, nevertheless, adventure to print the two moderato's without any sort of scruple.

  • 水长流


    早晨,桑梓路,刘医生的诊所里,人们在议论死去的阿苏阿苏其实是城郊村的女人“这女人,干吗喝农药呀,过不下去就离婚,怕什么?” “就是,就是又没被捆着绑着”“好啦,一个外地女子哪有那么多办法,看那酒彪子凶神恶煞的!”“因为一只狗?不可能!肯定搞错了人怎么可能为狗去死?”刘医生站在药柜前,那些声音在身后乱飞,如睡意朦胧时枕边的蚊子,在那短暂的几秒钟时间里,他完全呈蒙昧状态大清晨听到人的死讯,让他极不自在,好像那事情与他有关,职业本能决定不能看到人在眼皮底下死。
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