
第21章 The Marriage of Geraint (5)

Then Yniol's nephew,after trumpet blown,Spake to the lady with him and proclaimed,'Advance and take,as fairest of the fair,What I these two years past have won for thee,The prize of beauty.'Loudly spake the Prince,'Forbear:there is a worthier,'and the knight With some surprise and thrice as much disdain Turned,and beheld the four,and all his face Glowed like the heart of a great fire at Yule,So burnt he was with passion,crying out,'Do battle for it then,'no more;and thrice They clashed together,and thrice they brake their spears.

Then each,dishorsed and drawing,lashed at each So often and with such blows,that all the crowd Wondered,and now and then from distant walls There came a clapping as of phantom hands.

So twice they fought,and twice they breathed,and still The dew of their great labour,and the blood Of their strong bodies,flowing,drained their force.

But either's force was matched till Yniol's cry,'Remember that great insult done the Queen,'

Increased Geraint's,who heaved his blade aloft,And cracked the helmet through,and bit the bone,And felled him,and set foot upon his breast,And said,'Thy name?'To whom the fallen man Made answer,groaning,'Edyrn,son of Nudd!

Ashamed am I that I should tell it thee.

My pride is broken:men have seen my fall.'

'Then,Edyrn,son of Nudd,'replied Geraint,'These two things shalt thou do,or else thou diest.

First,thou thyself,with damsel and with dwarf,Shalt ride to Arthur's court,and coming there,Crave pardon for that insult done the Queen,And shalt abide her judgment on it;next,Thou shalt give back their earldom to thy kin.

These two things shalt thou do,or thou shalt die.'

And Edyrn answered,'These things will I do,For I have never yet been overthrown,And thou hast overthrown me,and my pride Is broken down,for Enid sees my fall!'

And rising up,he rode to Arthur's court,And there the Queen forgave him easily.

And being young,he changed and came to loathe His crime of traitor,slowly drew himself Bright from his old dark life,and fell at last In the great battle fighting for the King.

But when the third day from the hunting-morn Made a low splendour in the world,and wings Moved in her ivy,Enid,for she lay With her fair head in the dim-yellow light,Among the dancing shadows of the birds,Woke and bethought her of her promise given No later than last eve to Prince Geraint--So bent he seemed on going the third day,He would not leave her,till her promise given--To ride with him this morning to the court,And there be made known to the stately Queen,And there be wedded with all ceremony.

At this she cast her eyes upon her dress,And thought it never yet had looked so mean.

For as a leaf in mid-November is To what it is in mid-October,seemed The dress that now she looked on to the dress She looked on ere the coming of Geraint.

And still she looked,and still the terror grew Of that strange bright and dreadful thing,a court,All staring at her in her faded silk:

And softly to her own sweet heart she said:

'This noble prince who won our earldom back,So splendid in his acts and his attire,Sweet heaven,how much I shall discredit him!

Would he could tarry with us here awhile,But being so beholden to the Prince,It were but little grace in any of us,Bent as he seemed on going this third day,To seek a second favour at his hands.

Yet if he could but tarry a day or two,Myself would work eye dim,and finger lame,Far liefer than so much discredit him.'

And Enid fell in longing for a dress All branched and flowered with gold,a costly gift Of her good mother,given her on the night Before her birthday,three sad years ago,That night of fire,when Edyrn sacked their house,And scattered all they had to all the winds:

For while the mother showed it,and the two Were turning and admiring it,the work To both appeared so costly,rose a cry That Edyrn's men were on them,and they fled With little save the jewels they had on,Which being sold and sold had bought them bread:

And Edyrn's men had caught them in their flight,And placed them in this ruin;and she wished The Prince had found her in her ancient home;Then let her fancy flit across the past,And roam the goodly places that she knew;And last bethought her how she used to watch,Near that old home,a pool of golden carp;And one was patched and blurred and lustreless Among his burnished brethren of the pool;And half asleep she made comparison Of that and these to her own faded self And the gay court,and fell asleep again;And dreamt herself was such a faded form Among her burnished sisters of the pool;But this was in the garden of a king;

And though she lay dark in the pool,she knew That all was bright;that all about were birds Of sunny plume in gilded trellis-work;That all the turf was rich in plots that looked Each like a garnet or a turkis in it;And lords and ladies of the high court went In silver tissue talking things of state;And children of the King in cloth of gold Glanced at the doors or gamboled down the walks;And while she thought 'They will not see me,'came A stately queen whose name was Guinevere,And all the children in their cloth of gold Ran to her,crying,'If we have fish at all Let them be gold;and charge the gardeners now To pick the faded creature from the pool,And cast it on the mixen that it die.'

And therewithal one came and seized on her,And Enid started waking,with her heart All overshadowed by the foolish dream,And lo!it was her mother grasping her To get her well awake;and in her hand A suit of bright apparel,which she laid Flat on the couch,and spoke exultingly:

'See here,my child,how fresh the colours look,How fast they hold like colours of a shell That keeps the wear and polish of the wave.

Why not?It never yet was worn,I trow:

Look on it,child,and tell me if ye know it.'

And Enid looked,but all confused at first,Could scarce divide it from her foolish dream:

  • The Letters of Mark Twain Vol.1

    The Letters of Mark Twain Vol.1

  • 大唐故三藏玄奘法师行状


  • 小儿心腹痛门


  • 孝经


  • 淮南鸿烈解


  • 田园娇女之夫君娘子来了


  • 蓦首,泪倾城


  • 偷走我的喜欢


  • 根本说一切有部目得迦


  • 迷失长白山


  • 岁月青春年华


  • 摩利支天一印法


  • 半世浮生情未歇


    风吹过窗台飘来你的消息, 床前明月把相思寄去千里。 你我的缘分恰便似天注定, 猜不透的人心看不懂的你。 心神凝,心神凝, 拾叶一片红尘情, 半世浮生尽空虚, 还是那样喜欢你。假如天堂太孤单,携手地狱又何妨。此生只爱那一人,天堂陪他去,地狱我也堕,但愿梦醒不是一场空。 “我想点一千盏灯,直到我每夜从梦中醒来,它们都不会熄灭。” “为什么要点灯呢?我不是陪着你吗?你还会怕黑么?” “你往下看,每一盏灯都代表一个温暖的家。万家灯火,象征着幸福安乐。” 那时我就明白了,她想要的不是灯,而是一个幸福的家。
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