

Throughout the morning he had kept an eye on the newcomer, and was secretly pleased in his heart of the professional at the readiness with which the young fellow learned.

Thorpe resumed his coat, and fell in behind the little procession.

After a short time he came upon a horse and sledge.Beyond it the cookee had built a little camp fire, around and over which he had grouped big fifty-pound lard-tins, half full of hot things to eat.

Each man, as he approached, picked up a tin plate and cup from a pile near at hand.

The cookee was plainly master of the situation.He issued peremptory orders.When Erickson, the blonde Swede, attempted surreptitiously to appropriate a doughnut, the youth turned on him savagely.

"Get out of that, you big tow-head!" he cried with an oath.

A dozen Canada jays, fluffy, impatient, perched near by or made little short circles over and back.They awaited the remains of the dinner.Bob Stratton and a devil-may-care giant by the name of Nolan constructed a joke wherewith to amuse the interim.They cut a long pole, and placed it across a log and through a bush, so that one extremity projected beyond the bush.Then diplomacy won a piece of meat from the cookee.This they nailed to the end of the pole by means of a pine sliver.The Canada jays gazed on the morsel with covetous eyes.When the men had retired, they swooped.One big fellow arrived first, and lit in defiance of the rest.

"Give it to 'im!" whispered Nolan, who had been watching.

Bob hit the other end of the pole a mighty whack with his ax.The astonished jay, projected straight upward by the shock, gave a startled squawk and cut a hole through the air for the tall timber.

Stratton and Nolan went into convulsions of laughter.

"Get at it!" cried the cookee, as though setting a pack of dogs on their prey.

The men ate, perched in various attitudes and places.Thorpe found it difficult to keep warm.The violent exercise had heated him through, and now the north country cold penetrated to his bones.

He huddled close to the fire, and drank hot tea, but it did not do him very much good.In his secret mind he resolved to buy one of the blanket mackinaws that very evening.He began to see that the costumes of each country have their origin in practicality.

That evening he picked out one of the best.As he was about to inquire the price, Radway drew the van book toward him, inquiring, "Let's see; what's the name?"In an instant Thorpe was charged on the book with three dollars and a half, although his work that day had earned him less than a dollar.On his way back to the men's shanty he could not help thinking how easy it would be for him to leave the next morning two dollars and a half ahead.He wondered if this method of procedure obtained in all the camps.

The newcomer's first day of hard work had tired him completely.He was ready for nothing so much as his bunk.But he had forgotten that it was Saturday night.His status was still to assure.

They began with a few mild tricks.Shuffle the Brogan followed Hot Back.Thorpe took all of it good-naturedly.Finally a tall individual with a thin white face, a reptilian forehead, reddish hair, and long baboon arms, suggested tossing in a blanket.Thorpe looked at the low ceiling, and declined.

"I'm with the game as long as you say, boys," said he, "and I'll have as much fun as anybody, but that's going too far for a tired man."The reptilian gentleman let out a string of oaths whose meaning might be translated, "We'll see about that!"Thorpe was a good boxer, but he knew by now the lumber-jack's method of fighting,--anything to hurt the other fellow.And in a genuine old-fashioned knock-down-and-drag-out rough-and-tumble your woodsman is about the toughest customer to handle you will be likely to meet.He is brought up on fighting.Nothing pleases him better than to get drunk and, with a few companions, to embark on an earnest effort to "clean out" a rival town.And he will accept cheerfully punishment enough to kill three ordinary men.It takes one of his kind really to hurt him.

Thorpe, at the first hostile movement, sprang back to the door, seized one of the three-foot billets of hardwood intended for the stove, and faced his opponents.

"I don't know which of you boys is coming first," said he quietly, "but he's going to get it good and plenty."If the affair had been serious, these men would never have recoiled before the mere danger of a stick of hardwood.The American woodsman is afraid of nothing human.But this was a good-natured bit of foolery, a test of nerve, and there was no object in getting a broken head for that.The reptilian gentleman alone grumbled at the abandonment of the attack, mumbling something profane.

"If you hanker for trouble so much," drawled the unexpected voice of old Jackson from the corner, "mebbe you could put on th' gloves."The idea was acclaimed.Somebody tossed out a dirty torn old set of buckskin boxing gloves.

The rest was farce.Thorpe was built on the true athletic lines, broad, straight shoulders, narrow flanks, long, clean, smooth muscles.He possessed, besides, that hereditary toughness and bulk which no gymnasium training will ever quite supply.The other man, while powerful and ugly in his rushes, was clumsy and did not use his head.Thorpe planted his hard straight blows at will.In this game he was as manifestly superior as his opponent would probably have been had the rules permitted kicking, gouging, and wrestling.

Finally he saw his opening and let out with a swinging pivot blow.

The other picked himself out of a corner, and drew off the gloves.

Thorpe's status was assured.

A Frenchman took down his fiddle and began to squeak.In the course of the dance old Jackson and old Heath found themselves together, smoking their pipes of Peerless.

"The young feller's all right," observed Heath; "he cuffed Ben up to a peak all right.""Went down like a peck of wet fish-nets," replied Jackson tranquilly.

Chapter VII

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  • 异能田园生活


    开新书《九零炮灰彪悍逆袭》啦,拜托宝贝们过去投个票支持一下啦! 意外穿成农女一枚,家穷势弱被人欺!还好老天给力,给了空间和异能,带着家人开心去种田!欺负我的人,自然要给欺负回来啦!至于夫君嘛,这可马虎不得,得好好挑挑哦!
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