

'And you do now?'

'I do.'

'Say it again.'

'I do love you, Clyde; I do.'

'There, you priest!' he cried. 'You have heard it, and with those words on her lips you would send her back to live a lie and a hell with that man?'

But Father Roubeau whisked the woman into the inner room and closed the door. 'No words!' he whispered to Wharton, as he struck a casual posture on a stool. 'Remember, for her sake,' he added.

The room echoed to a rough knock at the door; the latch raised and Edwin Bentham stepped in.

'Seen anything of my wife?' he asked as soon as salutations had been exchanged.

Two heads nodded negatively.

'I saw her tracks down from the cabin,' he continued tentatively, 'and they broke off, just opposite here, on the main trail.'

His listeners looked bored.

'And I- I though-'

'She was here!' thundered Wharton.

The priest silenced him with a look. 'Did you see her tracks leading up to this cabin, my son?' Wily Father Roubeau- he had taken good care to obliterate them as he came up the same path an hour before.

'I didn't stop to look, I-' His eyes rested suspiciously on the door to the other room, then interrogated the priest. The latter shook his head; but the doubt seemed to linger.

Father Roubeau breathed a swift, silent prayer, and rose to his feet. 'If you doubt me, why-' He made as though to open the door.

A priest could not lie. Edwin Bentham had heard this often, and believed it. 'Of course not, Father,' he interposed hurriedly. 'Iwas only wondering where my wife had gone, and thought maybe- Iguess she's up at Mrs. Stanton's on French Gulch. Nice weather, isn't it? Heard the news? Flour's gone down to forty dollars a hundred, and they say the che-cha-quas are flocking down the river in droves. But I must be going; so good-by.'

The door slammed, and from the window they watched him take his quest up French Gulch.

A few weeks later, just after the June high-water, two men shot a canoe into mid-stream and made fast to a derelict pine. This tightened the painter and jerked the frail craft along as would a tow-boat.

Father Roubeau had been directed to leave the Upper Country and return to his swarthy children at Minook. The white men had come among them, and they were devoting too little time to fishing, and too much to a certain deity whose transient habitat was in countless black bottles. Malemute Kid also had business in the Lower Country, so they journeyed together.

But one, in all the Northland, knew the man Paul Roubeau, and that man was Malemute Kid. Before him alone did the priest cast off the sacerdotal garb and stand naked. And why not? These two men knew each other. Had they not shared the last morsel of fish, the last pinch of tobacco, the last and inmost thought, on the barren stretches of Bering Sea, in the heartbreaking mazes of the Great Delta, on the terrible winter journey from Point Barrow to the Porcupine?

Father Roubeau puffed heavily at his trail-worn pipe, and gazed on the red-disked sun, poised somberly on the edge of the northern horizon. Malemute Kid wound up his watch. It was midnight.

'Cheer up, old man!' The Kid was evidently gathering up a broken thread. 'God surely will forgive such a lie. Let me give you the word of a man who strikes a true note:

If She have spoken a word, remember thy lips are sealed, And the brand of the Dog is upon him by whom is the secret revealed.

If there be trouble to Herward, and a lie of the blackest can clear, Lie, while thy lips can move or a man is alive to hear.'

Father Roubeau removed his pipe and reflected. 'The man speaks true, but my soul is not vexed with that. The lie and the penance stand with God; but- but-'

'What then? Your hands are clean.'

'Not so. Kid, I have thought much, and yet the thing remains. Iknew, and made her go back.'

The clear note of a robin rang out from the wooden bank, a partridge drummed the call in the distance, a moose lunged noisily in the eddy; but the twain smoked on in silence.

  • Tanglewood Tales

    Tanglewood Tales

  • 太上老君虚无自然本起经


  • 六十种曲精忠记


  • 壬学琐记


  • 重雕清凉传


  • 比利过生日


  • 毛泽东与马克思主义中国化(居安思危·世界社会主义小丛书)


  • 魏雅华时评精品选


  • 燃犀传:榴月谣


  • Twilight Land

    Twilight Land

  • 你的青春让我心疼


  • 我书里混入了些奇怪的东西


    阁楼上的储物间里,每到夜晚就会有异响。昏黄的路灯下,好像总站着一个人影。废弃的学校里,夜夜都有读书声。夜半的医院走廊上,总有着脚步声。 ... 陈良在父亲去世后,收到了父亲的遗书,遗书中父亲表示希望陈良能继承他的工作。 陈良在自己试写书扑街了两年后,最终出于某种特殊的原因,继承了父亲的工作,从此他的生活便不再正常。 自那之后,他不是在“破案”就是在前往“破案”的路上!
  • 极品公主之银发亦妖娆


  • 我真不想当首富啊


  • 多少傻姑娘借追星的名义动了真情

