

Their thoughts ran very differently on that December morning; they were all on fire with ambition; and when they had called me in to them, and made me a sharer in their design, I too became drunken with pride and hope. We were to found a University magazine. Apair of little, active brothers - Livingstone by name, great skippers on the foot, great rubbers of the hands, who kept a book-shop over against the University building - had been debauched to play the part of publishers. We four were to be conjunct editors and, what was the main point of the concern, to print our own works; while, by every rule of arithmetic - that flatterer of credulity - the adventure must succeed and bring great profit.

Well, well: it was a bright vision. I went home that morning walking upon air. To have been chosen by these three distinguished students was to me the most unspeakable advance; it was my first draught of consideration; it reconciled me to myself and to my fellow-men; and as I steered round the railings at the Tron, Icould not withhold my lips from smiling publicly. Yet, in the bottom of my heart, I knew that magazine would be a grim fiasco; Iknew it would not be worth reading; I knew, even if it were, that nobody would read it; and I kept wondering how I should be able, upon my compact income of twelve pounds per annum, payable monthly, to meet my share in the expense. It was a comfortable thought to me that I had a father.

The magazine appeared, in a yellow cover, which was the best part of it, for at least it was unassuming; it ran four months in undisturbed obscurity, and died without a gasp. The first number was edited by all four of us with prodigious bustle; the second fell principally into the hands of Ferrier and me; the third Iedited alone; and it has long been a solemn question who it was that edited the fourth. It would perhaps be still more difficult to say who read it. Poor yellow sheet, that looked so hopefully Livingtones' window! Poor, harmless paper, that might have gone to print a SHAKESPEARE on, and was instead so clumsily defaced with nonsense; And, shall I say, Poor Editors? I cannot pity myself, to whom it was all pure gain. It was no news to me, but only the wholesome confirmation of my judgment, when the magazine struggled into half-birth, and instantly sickened and subsided into night. Ihad sent a copy to the lady with whom my heart was at that time somewhat engaged, and who did all that in her lay to break it; and she, with some tact, passed over the gift and my cherished contributions in silence. I will not say that I was pleased at this; but I will tell her now, if by any chance she takes up the work of her former servant, that I thought the better of her taste.

I cleared the decks after this lost engagement; had the necessary interview with my father, which passed off not amiss; paid over my share of the expense to the two little, active brothers, who rubbed their hands as much, but methought skipped rather less than formerly, having perhaps, these two also, embarked upon the enterprise with some graceful illusions; and then, reviewing the whole episode, I told myself that the time was not yet ripe, nor the man ready; and to work I went again with my penny version-books, having fallen back in one day from the printed author to the manuscript student.

From this defunct periodical I am going to reprint one of my own papers. The poor little piece is all tail-foremost. I have done my best to straighten its array, I have pruned it fearlessly, and it remains invertebrate and wordy. No self-respecting magazine would print the thing; and here you behold it in a bound volume, not for any worth of its own, but for the sake of the man whom it purports dimly to represent and some of whose sayings it preserves;so that in this volume of Memories and Portraits, Robert Young, the Swanston gardener, may stand alongside of John Todd, the Swanston shepherd. Not that John and Robert drew very close together in their lives; for John was rough, he smelt of the windy brae; and Robert was gentle, and smacked of the garden in the hollow.

Perhaps it is to my shame that I liked John the better of the two;he had grit and dash, and that salt of the Old Adam that pleases men with any savage inheritance of blood; and he was a way-farer besides, and took my gipsy fancy. But however that may be, and however Robert's profile may be blurred in the boyish sketch that follows, he was a man of a most quaint and beautiful nature, whom, if it were possible to recast a piece of work so old, I should like well to draw again with a maturer touch. And as I think of him and of John, I wonder in what other country two such men would be found dwelling together, in a hamlet of some twenty cottages, in the woody fold of a green hill.

  • 台案汇录丙集


  • 小山画谱


  • 长爪梵志请问经


  • 唐尊前集


  • 佛说三品弟子经


  • 销售圣经


  • 七里樱


  • 我被封了十万年


  • 去年春天


  • 论星际选手的养成方法之鸿鹄之志


  • 弦未尽:霄凰引凌彻


  • 邪王宠妃无下限


  • 佛教故事选萃


  • 人之废除:从高中英语教学出发反思教育


    《人之废除》是英国作家C.S.路易斯于1943年在杜伦大学的演讲稿,于同年出版,副标题为“从高中英语教学出发反思教育”。作者呼吁年轻人动用他们的想象力和感受性来体认和接纳柏拉图哲学体系所传授的、圣经启示所聚焦的、通往真理和品格的道路,并且援引中国儒家和道家文化中的“道”(the Tao)一词为其命名,彰显了其普世性的内涵。这在当时是一个具有前瞻性且颇具深度的主张。作者认为,在当时的英国,教育忽视了对最基本的道德和价值体系的教授和传达,片面狭隘地强调“理性”原则,使学生对伦理和道德的理解流于表面和功利。路易斯指出,这将对社会产生根本性的危害。
  • 凰医帝临七神

