

I waited. The King, who understood nothing but had listened to my answers with eager attention, and marked no less closely the agitation which they caused in the unknown, leant forward to listen. But the bed creaked no more; the curtain hung still;even the voice, which at last issued from the curtains, was no more like the ordinary accents of a man than are those which he utters in the paroxysms of epilepsy. "Are you--sorry?" the unknown muttered--involuntarily, I think; hoping against hope;not daring to depart from a formula which had become second nature. But I could fancy him clawing, as he spoke, at his choking throat.

France, however, had suffered too long at the hands of that race of men, and I had been too lately vilified by them to feel much pity; and for answer I lifted a voice that to the quailing wretch must have been the voice of doom. "Sorry?" I said grimly. "Imust be--or hang! For to-morrow the King examines his books, and the next day I--hang!"The King's hand was on mine, to stop me before the last word was out; but his touch came too late. As it rang through the room one of the curtains before us was twitched aside, and a face glared out, so ghastly and drawn and horror-stricken, that few would have known it for that of the wealthy fermier, who had grown sleek and fat on the King's revenues. I do not know whether he knew us, or whether, on the contrary, he found this accusation, so precise, so accurate, coming from an unknown source, still more terrible than if he had known us; but on the instant he fell forward in a swoon.

"St. Gris!" Henry cried, looking on the body with a shudder, "you have killed him, Grand Master! It was true, was it?""Yes, sire," I answered. "But he is not dead, I think." And going to the window I whistled for Maignan, who in a minute came to us. He was not very willing to touch the man, but I bade him lay him on the bed and loosen his clothes and throw water on his face; and presently M. Fauchet began to recover.

I stepped a little aside that he might not see me, and accordingly the first person on whom his eyes lighted was the King, who had laid aside his hat and cloak, and taken the terrified and weeping child on his lap. M. Fauchet stared at him awhile before he recognised him; but at last the trembling man knew him, and tottering to his feet, threw himself on his knees, looking years older than when I had last seen him in the street.

"Sire," he said faintly, "I will make restitution."Henry looked at him gravely, and nodded. "It is well," he said.

"You are fortunate, M. Fauchet; for had this come to my ears in any other way I could not have spared you. You will render your accounts and papers to M. de Sully to-morrow, and according as you are frank with him you will be treated."Fauchet thanked him with abject tears, and the King rose and prepared to leave. But at the door a thought struck him, and he turned. "How long have you done this?" he said, indicating the room by a gesture, and speaking in a gentler tone.

"Three years, sire," the wretched man answered.

"And how much have you distributed?"

"Fifteen hundred crowns, sire."

The King cast an indescribable look at me, wherein amusement, scorn, and astonishment were all blended. "St. Gris! man!" he said, shrugging his shoulders and drawing in his breath sharply, "you think God is as easily duped as the King! I wish I could think so."He did not speak again until we were half-way back to the Louvre;when he opened his mouth to announce his intention of rewarding me with a tithe of the money recovered. It was duly paid to me, and I bought with it part of the outlying lands of Villebon--those, I mean, which extend towards Chartres. The rest of the money, notwithstanding all my efforts, was wasted here and there, Pimentel winning thirty crowns of the King that year. But the discovery led to others of a similar character, and eventually set me on the track of a greater offender, M. l'Argentier, whom Ibrought to justice a few months later.

  • 鼓掌绝尘


  • 题侯仙亭


  • 五人墓碑记


  • 难二


  • 经络门


  • 骆驼祥子


  • 蚁王的超级帝国


  • 李氏同堂


  • 温故(之七)


  • 黑龙嫡妻之万灵白凤


  • 尖碑漂流记


  • 清代小说·说岳全传(上)


    本书是中国古代英雄传奇小说的经典之作,主要讲述了南宋抗金名将岳飞从一个贫家之子成长为一代名将,精忠报国,后来含冤屈死的可歌可泣的一生。全书的主旨秉承自宋以来延续数百年的忠君爱国思想,热情讴歌岳飞及其岳家将的尽忠抗敌,保家卫国的爱国主义精神,痛斥秦桧等权奸投降卖国、残害忠良的无耻行径。岳飞这一形象集中体现了这一思想, 他比武扬威初露头角,岳母刺字立誓报国,单身探敌营智勇救友,收服山贼水寇壮大抗金队伍,屡破敌阵连胜金贼,奸臣构陷命丧风波亭,大败金兀术岳氏一门沉冤得雪……一幕幕故事读来酣畅淋漓,让人击节叫好,又令人扼腕叹息。最后,岳飞遭秦桧诬陷入狱,在忠君思想的驱使下,不仅献出了自己的生命,同地也让岳云、张宪遭到残害。书中给人印象最深的是牛皋,他刚直憨厚,勇猛鲁莽,是个李逵式的草莽英雄;而他又总是逢凶化吉,遇难呈祥,是个福将。这一独具特色的人物,深受人们的喜爱。作者吸取民间脍炙人口的故事写入书中,使本书更加吸睛,如“枪挑小梁王”、“岳母刺字”、“高宠挑滑车”、“梁红玉击鼓战金山”、“王佐断臂”、“牛皋扯旨”等,都是脍炙人口的故事。
  • 未经允许,私自爱你


  • 仙道魔体


  • 角色扮演在诸天

