

"And this officer? " demanded President Ham; "what does he want?""He says," Billy translated to St. Clair, "that he is very glad to meet you, and he wants to know how much you earn a week."The actor suppressed his surprise and with pardonable pride said that his salary was six hundred dollars a week and royalties on each film. Billy bowed to the president.

"He says," translated Billy, "he is here to see that I get my ten thousand francs, and that if I don't get them in ten minutes he will return to the ship and land marines."To St. Clair it seemed as though the president received his statement as to the amount of his salary, with a disapproval that was hardly flattering. With the heel of his giant fist the president beat upon the table, his curls shook, his gorilla-like shoulders heaved.

In an explanatory aside Billy made this clear.

"He says," he interpreted, "that you get more as an actor than he gets as president, and it makes him mad.""I can see it does myself," whispered St. Clair. "And I don't understand French, either."President Ham was protesting violently. It was outrageous, he exclaimed; it was inconceivable that a great republic should shake the Big Stick over the head of a small republic, and for a contemptible ten thousand francs.

"I will not believe," he growled, "that this officer has authority to threaten me. You have deceived him. If he knew the truth, he would apologize. Tell him," he roared suddenly, "that I DEMAND that he apologize!"Billy felt like the man who, after jauntily forcing the fighting, unexpectedly gets a jolt on the chin that drops him to the canvas.

While the referee might have counted three Billy remained upon the canvas.

Then again he forced the fighting. Eagerly he turned to St. Clair.

"He says," he translated, "you must recite something." St. Clair exclaimed incredulously: "Recite!" he gasped.

Than his indignant protest nothing could have been more appropriate.

"Wants to see you act out," insisted Billy. "Go on," he begged;"humor him. Do what he wants or he'll put us in jail!""But what shall I----"

"He wants the curse of Rome from Richelieu, explained Billy. "He knows it in French and he wants you to recite it in English. Do you know it? "The actor smiled haughtily.

"I WROTE it he protested. " Richelieu's my middle name. I've done it in stock.""Then do it now!" commanded Billy. "Give it to him hot. I'm Julie de Mortemar. He's the villain Barabas. Begin where Barabas hands you the cue, 'The country is the king!' "In embarrassment St. Clair coughed tentatively.

"Whoever heard of Cardinal Richelieu," he protested, "in a navy uniform?""Begin!" begged Billy.

"What'll I do with my cap?" whispered St. Clair.

In an ecstasy of alarm Billy danced from foot to foot. "I'll hold your cap," he cried. "Go on!"St. Clair gave his cap of gold braid to Billy and shifted his "full-dress" sword-belt. Not without concern did President Ham observe these preparations. For the fraction of a second, in alarm, his eyes glanced to the exits. He found that the officers of his staff completely filled them. Their presence gave him confidence and his eyes returned to Lieutenant Hardy.

That gentleman heaved a deep sigh. Dejectedly, his head fell forward until his chin rested upon his chest. Much to the relief of the president, it appeared evident that Lieutenant Hardy was about to accede to his command and apologize. St. Clair groaned heavily.

"Ay, is it so?" he muttered. His voice was deep, resonant, vibrating like a bell. His eyes no longer suggested apology. They were strange, flashing; the eyes of a religious fanatic; and balefully they were fixed upon President Ham.

"Then wakes the power," the deep voice rumbled, "that in the age of iron burst forth to curb the great and raise the low." He flung out his left arm and pointed it at Billy.

"Mark where she stands!" he commanded.

With a sweeping, protecting gesture he drew around Billy an imaginary circle. The pantomime was only too clear. To the aged negro, who feared neither God nor man, but only voodoo, there was in the voice and gesture that which caused his blood to chill.

  • 佛说苦阴因事经


  • 时序


  • 碧鸡漫志


  • 佛说阿阇世王经


  • 本愿药师经古迹


  • 时光会记得那年榴花灿烂


  • 低吟莫叹忘江湖


  • 情深知几许


  • 孔子全书


  • 鹊踏枝之魔道起源


    被称为“帝都权贵每见愁”的东皇大小姐——小东爷要回来了!帝都权贵们头痛不已,小东爷本人也不怎么开心。没出山就得知自己神祗被偷?好好地做个任务,修为大损?最讨厌的人还摇身一变,成了身份显赫的女战神? 一记穿云斩将冒牌战神打了个神志不清,战神威胁道:“我可是战神,你敢动我?”小东爷直接用实际行动告诉她,打的就是你!战神再说:“我灵体可是凤凰,你能斗得过我?”事实证明,在小东爷面前,凤凰就是野鸡而已。且看无冕之神小东爷如何大杀四方,且看魔王大人如何宠妻无度。 暴躁双标小东爷VS狠毒忠犬大魔王
  • 遇见你是我的今生有幸


  • 倾鸾琴师凌末传


  • 太极拳小序


  • 我做老师的这几年


  • 老子不想跪着

