

The Death of Zacharias

He was right to do so. When Herod realised that the astrologers were not going to come back, he flew into a rage and ordered that every child in Bethlehem and the neighbourhood under two years of age should be killed at once.

One of the children of the right age was John, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth. As soon as they heard of Herod's plan, Elizabeth took him up into the mountains looking for somewhere to hide. But she was old and could not walk very far, and in her despair she cried out 'Oh mountain of God, shelter a mother and her child!'

At once the mountain opened and offered her a cave in which to shelter.

So she and the child were safe, but Zacharias was in trouble. Herod knew that he had recently fathered a child, and sent for him.

'Where is your child? Where have you hidden him?'

'I am a busy priest, Your Majesty! I spend all my time about the business of the temple! Looking after children is women's work. I don't know where my son can be.'

'I warn you–tell the truth! I can spill your blood if I want to.'

'If you shed my blood, I shall be a martyr to the Lord,' said Zacharias, and that came true, because he was killed there and then.

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