

THE TEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL STOOD IN THE kitchen, peeling potatoes that her mother was going to cook for dinner. She was smiling as she listened to the music that was being played in another room.

The music was coming from her brother. He was twelve now, a brilliant pianist-a prodigy, everyone said.

She had tried to learn to play the piano, but she was just no good at it. After a while, her mother had refused to keep paying for her lessons.

The girl finished peeling the last potato and dropped it into the kettle full of cold water. She cleared her throat. "All done," she said softly because she didn't want to interrupt the music. Her mother, who had been standing in the doorway listening blissfully to the piano, turned and looked at her.

"Did you cut them up?" her mother asked. She came over and looked into the pot and saw that the potatoes were still whole. "Give me the knife, please, and go work on your homework until dinner is ready."

The girl handed her the knife and left the kitchen. She went as quietly as possible up the stairs. She didn't do her homework, though. Instead, she picked up her baby doll and locked herself in the bathroom.

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