
The Mystery of Edwin Drood(I) 艾德温·德鲁德之谜/德鲁德疑案(英文版)

状态:连载作者:Charles Dickens

The Mystery of Edwin Drood is the final novel by Charles Dickens. set in Cloisterham, a lightly disguised Rochester, the novel begins as John Jasper leaves a London opium den. The next evening, Edwin Drood visits Jasper, who is the choirmaster. Edwin confides that he has misgivings about his betrothal to Rosa Bud. The next day, Edwin visits Rosa at the Nuns' House. They quarrel good-naturedly. Though the novel is named after the character Edwin Drood, the story focuses on Drood's uncle, precentor, choirmaster and opium addict, John Jasper, who is in love with his pupil, Rosa Bud. Miss Bud, Drood's fiancée, has also caught the eye of the high-spirited and hot-tempered Neville Landless, who comes from Ceylon with his twin sister, Helena. Landless and Drood take an instant dislike to one another. Drood later disappears under mysterious circumstances. The novel was unfinished at the time of Dickens's death (9 June 1870) and his ending for it is unknown.

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