
第107章 Some Learned Fables For Good Old Boys And Girls(8)

“Then we have made a discovery of peculiar value here;a discovery which greatly extends our knowledge of this creature in place of diminishing it;a discovery which will add luster to the achievements of this expedition and win for us the commendations of scholars everywhere.For the absence of the customary relics here means nothing less than this:The Mound Builder,instead of being the ignorant,savage reptile we have been taught to consider him,was a creature of cultivation and high intelligence,capable of not only appreciating worthy achievements of the great and noble of his species,but of commemorating them!Fellow-scholars,this stately Mound is not a sepulcher,it is a monument!”

A profound impression was produced by this.

But it was interrupted by rude and derisive laughter—and the Tumble-Bug appeared.

“A monument!”quoth he.“A monument set up by a Mound Builder!Aye,so it is!So it is,indeed,to the shrewd keen eye of science;but to an ignorant poor devil who has never seen a college,it is not a Monument,strictly speaking,but is yet a most rich and noble property;and with your worship's good permission I will proceed to manufacture it into spheres of exceedings grace and—”

The Tumble-Bug was driven away with stripes,and the draftsmen of the expedition were set to making views of the Monument from different standpoints,while Professor Woodlouse,in a frenzy of scientific zeal,traveled all over it and all around it hoping to find an inion.But if there had ever been one,it had decayed or been removed by some vandal as a relic.

The views having been completed,it was now considered safe to load the precious Monument itself upon the backs of four of the largest Tortoises and send it home to the king's museum,which was done;and when it arrived it was received with enormous éclat and escorted to its future abiding-place by thousands of enthusiastic citizens,King Bullfrog XVI himself attending and condescending to sit enthroned upon it throughout the progress.

The growing rigor of the weather was now admonishing the scientists to close their labors for the present,so they made preparations to journey homeward.But even their last day among the Caverns bore fruit;for one of the scholars found in an out-of-the-way corner of the Museum or “Burial Place”a most strange and extraordinary thing.It was nothing less than a double Man-Bird lashed together breast to breast by a natural ligament,and labeled with the untranslatable words,“Siamese Twins.”The official report concerning this thing closed thus:

“Wherefore it appears that there were in old times two distinct species of this majestic fowl,the one being single and the other double.Nature has a reason for all things.It is plain to the eye of science that the Double-Man originally inhabited a region where dangers abounded;hence he was paired together to the end that while one part slept the other might watch;and likewise that,danger being discovered,there might always be a double instead of a single power to oppose it.All honor to the mystery-dispelling eye of godlike Science!”

And near the Double Man-Bird was found what was plainly an ancient record of his,marked upon numberless sheets of a thin white substance and bound together.Almost the first glance that Professor Woodlouse threw into it revealed this following sentence,which he instantly translated and laid before the scientists,in a tremble,and it uplifted every soul there with exultation and astonishment:

“In truth it is believed by many that the lower animals reason and talk together.”

When the great official report of the expedition appeared,the above sentence bore this comment:

“Then there are lower animals than Man!This remarkable passage can mean nothing else.Man himself is extinct,but they may still exist.What can they be?Where do they inhabit?One's enthusiasm bursts all bounds in the contemplation of the brilliant field of discovery and investigation here thrown open to science.We close our labors with the humble prayer that your Majesty will immediately appoint a commission and command it to rest not nor spare expense until the search for this hitherto unsuspected race of the creatures of God shall be crowned with success.”

The expedition then journeyed homeward after its long absence and its faithful endeavors,and was received with a mighty ovation by the whole grateful country.There were vulgar,ignorant carpers,of course,as there always are and always will be;and naturally one of these was the obscene Tumble-Bug.He said that all he had learned by his travels was that science only needed a spoonful of supposition to build a mountain of demonstrated fact out of;and that for the future he meant to be content with the knowledge that nature had made free to all creatures and not go prying into the august secrets of the Deity.


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