

He had so completely destroyed them in spirit that he had taken the act for granted, and he was now reminded of the orderly stages of which an intention must consist to be sincere.Baron went at the papers with all his sincerity, and at his empty grate (where there lately had been no fire and he had only to remove a horrible ornament of tissue-paper dear to Mrs.Bundy) he burned the collection with infinite method.It made him feel happier to watch the worst pages turn to illegible ashes--if happiness be the right word to apply to his sense, in the process, of something so crisp and crackling that it suggested the death-rustle of bank-notes.

When ten minutes later he came back into his sitting-room, he seemed to himself oddly, unexpectedly in the presence of a bigger view.It was as if some interfering mass had been so displaced that he could see more sky and more country.Yet the opposite houses were naturally still there, and if the grimy little place looked lighter it was doubtless only because the rain had indeed stopped and the sun was pouring in.Peter went to the window to open it to the altered air, and in doing so beheld at the garden gate the humble "growler"in which a few hours before he had seen Mrs.Ryves take her departure.It was unmistakable--he remembered the knock-kneed white horse; but this made the fact that his friend's luggage no longer surmounted it only the more mystifying.Perhaps the cabman had already removed the luggage--he was now on his box smoking the short pipe that derived relish from inaction paid for.As Peter turned into the room again his ears caught a knock at his own door, a knock explained, as soon as he had responded, by the hard breathing of Mrs.


"Please, sir, it's to say she've come back.""What has she come back for?" Baron's question sounded ungracious, but his heartache had given another throb, and he felt a dread of another wound.It was like a practical joke.

"I think it's for you, sir," said Mrs.Bundy."She'll see you for a moment, if you'll be so good, in the old place."Peter followed his hostess downstairs, and Mrs.Bundy ushered him, with her company flourish, into the apartment she had fondly designated.

"I went away this morning, and I've only returned for an instant,"said Mrs.Ryves, as soon as Mrs.Bundy had closed the door.He saw that she was different now; something had happened that had made her indulgent.

"Have you been all the way to Dover and back?""No, but I've been to Victoria.I've left my luggage there--I've been driving about.""I hope you've enjoyed it."

"Very much.I've been to see Mr.Morrish.""Mr.Morrish?"

"The musical publisher.I showed him our song.I played it for him, and he's delighted with it.He declares it's just the thing.He has given me fifty pounds.I think he believes in us," Mrs.Ryves went on, while Baron stared at the wonder--too sweet to be safe, it seemed to him as yet--of her standing there again before him and speaking of what they had in common."Fifty pounds! fifty pounds!" she exclaimed, fluttering at him her happy cheque.She had come back, the first thing, to tell him, and of course his share of the money would be the half.She was rosy, jubilant, natural, she chattered like a happy woman.She said they must do more, ever so much more.

Mr.Morrish had practically promised he would take anything that was as good as that.She had kept her cab because she was going to Dover; she couldn't leave the others alone.It was a vehicle infirm and inert, but Baron, after a little, appreciated its pace, for she had consented to his getting in with her and driving, this time in earnest, to Victoria.She had only come to tell him the good news--she repeated this assurance more than once.They talked of it so profoundly that it drove everything else for the time out of his head--his duty to Mr.Locket, the remarkable sacrifice he had just achieved, and even the odd coincidence, matching with the oddity of all the others, of her having reverted to the house again, as if with one of her famous divinations, at the very moment the trumpery papers, the origin really of their intimacy, had ceased to exist.

But she, on her side, also had evidently forgotten the trumpery papers: she never mentioned them again, and Peter Baron never boasted of what he had done with them.He was silent for a while, from curiosity to see if her fine nerves had really given her a hint;and then later, when it came to be a question of his permanent attitude, he was silent, prodigiously, religiously, tremulously silent, in consequence of an extraordinary conversation that he had with her.

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  • 中国历代通俗演义:元史演义


    本书讲述从“第一回 感白光孀姝成孕 劫红颜异儿得妻”到“第六十回 群寇荡平明祖即位 顺帝出走元史告终”的历史。蒙古源流原本为唐朝时候的室韦分部,向居中国北方,打猎为生,自成部落。初服金邦统领,至铁木真出世遂统蒙古各部,养成势力。蒙古铁骑遂西征欧罗巴未几南下灭金侵宋。南宋覆灭,荡荡中原竞被那蒙古大汗囊括以去,一朝天子一朝臣,居然作了八十九年的中国皇帝这真是有史以来的创局!却不知,蒙人性情暴虐,待民苛刻,天下疲惫;竟激起无数民变,就中出了一位朱元璋硬是把元朝天下生生夺去……
  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
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