

"What is the matter, Philip?" inquired Anne of Austria, turning towards her son.

"A good many things," murmured the prince, in a doleful tone of voice.

"You look like a man who has a great deal to do," said the queen, laying down her pen.Philip frowned, but did not reply."Among the various subjects which occupy your mind,"said Anne of Austria, "there must surely be one that absorbs it more than others.""One indeed has occupied me more than any other.""Well, what is it? I am listening."

Philip opened his mouth as if to express all the troubles his mind was filled with, and which he seemed to be waiting only for an opportunity of declaring.But he suddenly became silent, and a sigh alone expressed all that his heart was overflowing with.

"Come, Philip, show a little firmness," said the queen-mother."When one has to complain of anything, it is generally an individual who is the cause of it.Am I not right?""I do not say no, madame."

"Whom do you wish to speak about? Come, take courage.""In fact, madame, what I might possibly have to say must be kept a profound secret; for when a lady is in the case ----"

"Ah! you are speaking of Madame, then?" inquired the queen-mother, with a feeling of the liveliest curiosity.


"Well, then, if you wish to speak of Madame, do not hesitate to do so.I am your mother, and she is no more than a stranger to me.Yet, as she is my daughter-in-law, rest assured I shall be interested, even were it for your own sake alone, in hearing all you may have to say about her.""Pray tell me, madame, in your turn, whether you have not remarked something?""`Something'! Philip? Your words almost frighten me, from their want of meaning.What do you mean by `something'?""Madame is pretty, certainly."

"No doubt of it."

"Yet not altogether beautiful."

"No, but as she grows older, she will probably become strikingly beautiful.You must have remarked the change which a few years have already made in her.Her beauty will improve more and more; she is now only sixteen years of age.

At fifteen I was, myself, very thin; but even as she is at present, Madame is very pretty.""And consequently others have remarked it.""Undoubtedly, for a woman of ordinary rank is noticed -- and with still greater reason a princess.""She has been well brought up, I suppose?""Madame Henrietta, her mother, is a woman somewhat cold in manner, slightly pretentious, but full of noble thoughts.

The princess's education may have been neglected, but her principles, I believe, are good.Such at least was the opinion I formed of her when she resided in France; but she afterwards returned to England, and I am ignorant what may have occurred there.""What do you mean?"

"Simply that there are some heads naturally giddy, which are easily turned by prosperity.""That is the very word, madame.I think the princess rather giddy.""We must not exaggerate, Philip; she is clever and witty, and has a certain amount of coquetry very natural in a young woman; but this defect in persons of high rank and position is a great advantage at a court.A princess who is tinged with coquetry usually forms a brilliant court around her;her smile stimulates luxury, arouses wit, and even courage;the nobles, too, fight better for a prince whose wife is beautiful.""Thank you extremely, madame," said Philip, with some temper; "you really have drawn some very alarming pictures for me.""In what respect?" asked the queen, with pretended simplicity.

"You know, madame," said Philip, dolefully, "whether I had or had not a very great dislike to getting married.""Now, indeed, you alarm me.You have some serious cause of complaint against Madame.""I do not precisely say it is serious."

"In that case, then, throw aside your doleful looks.If you show yourself to others in your present state, people will take you for a very unhappy husband.""The fact is," replied Philip, "I am not altogether satisfied as a husband, and I shall not be sorry if others know it.""For shame, Philip."

"Well, then, madame, I will tell you frankly that I do not understand the life I am required to lead.""Explain yourself."

"My wife does not seem to belong to me; she is always leaving me for some reason or another.In the mornings there are visits, correspondences, and toilettes; in the evenings, balls and concerts.""You are jealous, Philip."

"I! Heaven forbid.Let others act the part of a jealous husband, not I.But I am annoyed.""All these things you reproach your wife with are perfectly innocent, and, so long as you have nothing of greater importance ---- ""Yet, listen; without being very blamable, a woman can excite a good deal of uneasiness.Certain visitors may be received, certain preferences shown, which expose young women to remark, and which are enough to drive out of their senses even those husbands who are least disposed to be jealous.""Ah! now we are coming to the real point at last, and not without some difficulty.You speak of frequent visits, and certain preferences -- very good; for the last hour we have been beating about the bush, and at last you have broached the true question.This is more serious than I thought.It is possible, then, that Madame can have given you grounds for these complaints against her?""Precisely so."

"What, your wife, married only four days ago, prefers some other person to yourself? Take care, Philip, you exaggerate your grievances; in wishing to prove everything, you prove nothing."The prince, bewildered by his mother's serious manner wished to reply, but he could only stammer out some unintelligible words.

"You draw back, then?" said Anne of Austria."I prefer that, as it is an acknowledgment of your mistake.""No!" exclaimed Philip, "I do not draw back, and I will prove all I asserted.I spoke of preference and of visits, did I not? Well, listen."Anne of Austria prepared herself to listen, with that love of gossip which the best woman living and the best mother, were she a queen even, always finds in being mixed up with the petty squabbles of a household.

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