

That situation was not very encouraging for Fouquet, whatever might be his consciousness of strength.The small black eye of Colbert, dilated by envy, and the limpid eye of Louis XIV., inflamed by anger, signalled some pressing danger.Courtiers are, with regard to court rumors, like old soldiers, who distinguish through the blasts of wind and bluster of leaves the sound of the distant steps of an armed troop.They can, after having listened, tell pretty nearly how many men are marching, how many arms resound, how many cannons roll.Fouquet had then only to interrogate the silence which his arrival had produced; he found it big with menacing revelations.The king allowed him time enough to advance as far as the middle of the chamber.His adolescent modesty commanded this forbearance of the moment.Fouquet boldly seized the opportunity.

"Sire," said he, "I was impatient to see your majesty.""What for?" asked Louis.

"To announce some good news to you."

Colbert, minus grandeur of person, less largeness of heart, resembled Fouquet in many points.He had the same penetration, the same knowledge of men; moreover, that great power of self-compression which gives to hypocrites time to reflect, and gather themselves up to take a spring.He guessed that Fouquet was going to meet the blow he was about to deal him.His eyes glittered ominously.

"What news?" asked the king.Fouquet placed a roll of papers on the table.

"Let your majesty have the goodness to cast your eyes over this work," said he.The king slowly unfolded the paper.

"Plans?" said he.

"Yes, sire."

"And what are these plans?"

"A new fortification, sire."

"Ah, ah!" said the king, "you amuse yourself with tactics and strategies, then, M.Fouquet?""I occupy myself with everything that may be useful to the reign of your majesty," replied Fouquet.

"Beautiful descriptions!" said the king, looking at the design.

"Your majesty comprehends, without doubt," said Fouquet, bending over the paper; "here is the circle of the walls, here are the forts, there the advanced works.""And what do I see here, monsieur?"

"The sea."

"The sea all round?"

"Yes, sire."

"And what is, then, the name of this place of which you show me the plan?""Sire, it is Belle-Isle-en-Mer," replied Fouquet with simplicity.

At this word, at this name, Colbert made so marked a movement, that the king turned round to enforce the necessity for reserve.Fouquet did not appear to be the least in the world concerned by the movement of Colbert, or the king's signal.

"Monsieur," continued Louis, "you have then fortified Belle-Isle?""Yes, sire; and I have brought the plan and the accounts to your majesty," replied Fouquet, "I have expended sixteen hundred thousand livres in this operation.""What to do?" replied Louis, coldly, having taken the initiative from a malicious look of the intendant.

"For an aim very easy to seize," replied, Fouquet."Your majesty was on cool terms with Great Britain.""Yes; but since the restoration of King Charles II.I have formed an alliance with him.""A month since, sire, your majesty has truly said; but it is more than six months since the fortifications of Belle-Isle were begun.""Then they have become useless."

"Sire, fortifications are never useless.I fortified Belle-Isle against MM.Monk and Lambert and all those London citizens who were playing at soldiers.Belle-Isle will be ready fortified against the Dutch, against whom either England or your majesty cannot fail to make war."The king was again silent, and looked askant at Colbert.

"Belle-Isle, I believe," added Louis, "is yours, M.


"No, sire."

"Whose then?"

"Your majesty's."

Colbert was seized with as much terror as if a gulf had opened beneath his feet.Louis started with admiration, either at the genius or the devotion of Fouquet.

"Explain yourself, monsieur," said he.

"Nothing more easy, sire; Belle-Isle is one of my estates; Ihave fortified it at my own expense.But as nothing in the world can oppose a subject making an humble present to his king, I offer your majesty the proprietorship of the estate, of which you will leave me the usufruct.Belle-Isle, as a place of war, ought to be occupied by the king.Your majesty will be able, henceforth, to keep a safe garrison there."Colbert felt almost sinking down upon the floor.To keep himself from falling, he was obliged to hold by the columns of the wainscoting.

"This is a piece of great skill in the art of war that you have exhibited here, monsieur," said Louis.

"Sire, the initiative did not come from me," replied Fouquet: "many others have inspired me with it.The plans themselves have been made by one of the most distinguished engineers.""His name?"

"M.du Vallon."

  • 盛唐不遗憾


  • 钢铁是怎样炼成的


    本书讲述了主人公保尔柯察金从一个在社会底层挣扎的贫穷少年, 逐渐成长为一个为祖国为人民毕生奋斗的无产阶级革命战士的故事。
  • 高冷仙尊:萌徒太难追


  • 影响中国学生的经典成语故事之一


  • 霸气主母惹不起


  • 夜见星杓亮晚空


  • 平民上名校:哈佛学生对美国教育的思考


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 天元破碎世界


  • 精灵王者传说

