

But mark, father, the dangerous consequences of your maxim.Do you not perceive what effect it may have on those libertines who like nothing better than to find out matter of doubt in religion? What a handle do you give them, when you assure them, as an article of faith, that, on every occasion when they commit a sin, they feel an inward presentiment of the evil and a desire to avoid it? Is it not obvious that, feeling convinced by their own experience of the falsity of your doctrine on this point, which you say is a matter of faith, they will extend the inference drawn from this to all the other points? They will argue that, since you are not trustworthy in one article, you are to be suspected in them all; and thus you shut them up to conclude either that religion is false or that you must know very little about it." Here my friend the Jansenist, following up my remarks, said to him: "You would do well, father, if you wish to preserve your doctrine, not to explain so precisely as you have done to us what you mean by actual grace.For, how could you, without forfeiting all credit in the estimation of men, openly declare that nobody sins without having previously the knowledge of his weakness, and of a physician, or the desire of a cure, and of asking it of God? Will it be believed, on your word, that those who are immersed in avarice, impurity, blasphemy, duelling, revenge, robbery and sacrilege, have really a desire to embrace chastity, humility, and the other Christian virtues? Can it be conceived that those philosophers who boasted so loudly of the powers of nature, knew its infirmity and its physician? Will you maintain that those who held it as a settled maxim that is not God that bestows virtue, and that no one ever asked it from him,' would think of asking it for themselves? Who can believe that the Epicureans, who denied a divine providence, ever felt any inclination to pray to God? men who said that 'it would be an insult to invoke the Deity in our necessities, as if he were capable of wasting a thought on beings like us?' In a word, how can it be imagined that idolaters and atheists, every time they are tempted to the commission of sin, in other words, infinitely often during their lives, have a desire to pray to the true God, of whom they are ignorant, that he would bestow on them virtues of which they have no conception?""Yes," said the worthy monk, in a resolute tone, "we will affirm it: and sooner than allow that any one sins without having the consciousness that he is doing evil, and the desire of the opposite virtue, we will maintain that the whole world, reprobates and infidels included, have these inspirations and desires in every case of temptation.You cannot show me, from the Scripture at least, that this is not the truth." On this remark I struck in, by exclaiming:

"What! father, must we have recourse to the Scripture to demonstrate a thing so clear as this? This is not a point of faith, nor even of reason.

It is a matter of fact: we see it- we know it- we feel it." But the Jansenist, keeping the monk to his own terms, addressed him as follows: "If you are willing, father, to stand or fall by Scripture, I am ready to meet you there; only you must promise to yield to its authority; and, since it is written that 'God has not revealed his judgements to the Heathen, but left them to wander in their own ways,' you must not say that God has enlightened those whom the Sacred Writings assure us 'he has left in darkness and in the shadow of death.' Is it not enough to show the erroneousness of your principle, to find that St.Paul calls himself 'the chief of sinners,'

for a sin which he committed 'ignorantly, and with zeal'? Is it not enough, to and from the Gospel, that those who crucified Jesus Christ had need of the pardon which he asked for them, although they knew not the malice of their action, and would never have committed it, according to St.Paul, if they had known it? Is it not enough that Jesus Christ apprises us that there will be persecutors of the Church, who, while making every effort to ruin her, will 'think that they are doing God service'; teaching us that this sin, which in the judgement of the apostle, is the greatest of all sins, may be committed by persons who, so far from knowing that they were sinning, would think that they sinned by not committing it? In fine, it is not enough that Jesus Christ himself has taught us that there are two kinds of sinners, the one of whom sin with 'knowledge of their Master's will,' and the other without knowledge; and that both of them will be 'chastised,'

  • 庄子注


  • 玉景九天金霄威神王祝太元上经


  • 洞真太上八素真经精耀三景妙诀


  • 井观琐言


  • 荆楚岁时记


  • 板仓绝唱


  • 最弱功德系统


  • 不幸的三栗旬原


  • BAT的战争与和平(南方周末)


  • 秦大娃兄弟打工记


  • 大黑天神法


  • 千蛊情


  • 错误的喜剧


    《错误的喜剧》讲述了一对面貌和形体都十分相象的孪生兄弟,在海上遇难失散后,十八年后同在某异乡城市出现,造成许多误会的可笑故事。 1590年到1613年是莎士比亚的创作的黄金时代。他的早期剧本主要是喜剧和历史剧,在16世纪末期达到了深度和艺术性的高峰。到1608年,他主要创作悲剧,莎士比亚崇尚高尚情操,他的悲剧常常描写牺牲与复仇,包括《奥瑟罗》、《哈姆莱特》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》,被认为属于英语最佳范例。在他人生最后阶段,他开始创作悲喜剧,又称为传奇剧。
  • 炮灰宠妃的逆袭日常


  • 穿越之娇俏王妃不好惹


    她因重度抑郁而选择结束生命,却不料在古代府邸中重获新生。天意将她的人生轨迹翻天覆地的改写,被迫嫁入皇室,命运跌宕,爱恨交缠。头脑聪慧却心思单纯的她遇见了心有城府却温柔沉稳的他,在相处中暗生情愫,在险阻中步步攀登,这一程究竟会峰回路转,还是再次跌入深渊? ———————————————————— “你会忘记我吗?” “我会来救你。” “今夜的都城真美啊。” “不如你美。” ———————————————————— 【1v1双洁甜宠向微虐】 欢迎收看一男一女一本正经的相爱相杀互怼日常