

The show was now less than a day out, but many things had happened.Not a moment had been without its interest or excitement, and Phil realized that as he walked toward the cook tent.He found Teddy there, satisfying his appetite, or rather exerting himself in that direction, for Teddy's appetite was a thing never wholly satisfied.

After supper Phil took the boy aside and delivered Mr.Sparling's message.Teddy looked properly serious, but it is doubtful if the warning sank very deep into his mind, for the next minute he was turning handsprings on the lot.

"Know what I'm going to do, Phil?" he glowed.

"There's no telling what you will do, from one minute to the next, Teddy," replied Phil.

"Going to practice up and see if I can't get in the leaping act." "That's a good idea.When do you begin taking lessons?" "Taking 'em now.""From Mr.Miaco?"

"Yes.I did a turn off the springboard this afternoon with the 'mechanic on,' " meaning the harness used to instruct beginners in the art of tumbling.

"How did you make out?"

"Fine!I'd have broken my neck if it hadn't been for the harness." Phil laughed heartily.

"I should say you did do finely.But you don't expect to be able to jump over ten elephants and horses the way the others do?""They don't all do it.Some of 'em leap until they get half a dozen elephants in line, then they stand off and watch the real artists finish theact.I can do that part of it now.But I tell you I'm going to be a leaper, Phil.""Good for you! That's the way to talk.Keep out of trouble, work hard, don't talk too much, and you'll beat me yet," declared Phil."And say!""What?"

"Be careful with that mule act tonight.You know Mr.Sparling will be in there watching you.It wouldn't take much more trouble to cause him to cut that act out of the programme, and then you might not be drawing so much salary.Fifty dollars a week is pretty nice for each of us.If we don't get swelled heads, but behave ourselves, we'll have a nice little pile of money by the time the season closes.""Yes," agreed Teddy."I guess that's so; but we'll be losing a lot of fun.""I don't agree with you," laughed Phil.

The lads strolled into the menagerie tent on their way through to the dressing tent.The gasoline men were busy lighting their lamps and hauling them on center and quarter pole, while the menagerie attendants were turning the tongues of the cages about so that the horses could be hitched on promptly after the show in the big top began.

Some of the animals were munching hay, others of the caged beasts were lying with their noses poked through between the bars of their cages, blinking drowsily.

"I'd hate to be him," announced Teddy with a comprehensive wave of the hand as they passed the giraffe, which stood silent in his roped enclosure, his head far up in the shadows.


"For two reasons.Keeper tells me he can't make a sound.Doesn't bray, nor whinny, nor growl, nor bark, nor-- can't do anything.I'd rather be a lion or a tiger or something like that.If I couldn't do anything else, then, I could stand off and growl at folks."Phil nodded and smiled.

"And what's your other reason for being glad you are not a giraffe?" "Because--because--because when you had a sore throat think what alot of neck you'd have to gargle!"

Phil laughed outright, and as the giraffe lowered its head and peered down into their faces, he thought, for the moment, that he could see the animal grin.

After this they continued on to the dressing tent, where they remained until time for the evening performance.This passed off without incident, Teddy and his mule doing nothing more sensational than kicking a rent in the ringmaster's coat.

After the show was over, and the tents had begun to come down, Phil announced his intention of going downtown for a lunch.

"This fresh air makes me hungry.You see, I am not used to it yet," he explained in an apologetic tone.

"You do not have to go down for a lunch, unless you want to," the bandmaster informed him.

"Why, is there a lunch place on the grounds?""No.We have an accommodation car on our section." "What kind of car is that?""Lunch car.You can't get a heavy meal there, but you will find a nice satisfying lunch.The boss has it served at cost.He doesn't make any money out of the deal.You'll find it on our section.""Good!Come along Teddy."

"Will I? That's where I'll spend my money," nodded Teddy, starting away at a jog trot.

"And your nights too, if they would let you," laughed Phil, following his companion at a more leisurely gait.

As they crossed the lot they passed "Red" Larry, as he had now been nicknamed by the showmen.Larry pretended not to see the boys, but there was an ugly scowl on his face that told Phil he did, and after the lads had gone on a piece Phil turned, casting a careless look back where the torches were flaring and men working and shouting.

"Red" Larry was not working now.He was facing the boys, shaking a clenched fist at them.

"I am afraid we haven't heard the last of our friend, Larry," said Phil."Who's afraid?" growled Teddy.

"Neither of us.But all the same we had better keep an eye on him while we are in his vicinity.We don't want to get into any more trouble-- at least not, if we can possibly avoid it.""Not till Mr.Sparling forgets about today?Is that it?" "I guess it is," grinned Phil.

"He might take it seriously?"

"He already has done that.So be careful."Teddy nodded.But the lads had not yet heard the last of "Red" Larry.

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