

The Hospital of St.Thomas consists of four spacious courts, in the first of which are six wards for women.In the second stands the church, and another chapel, for the use of the hospital.Here also are the houses of the treasurer, hospitaller, steward, cook, and butler.In the third court are seven wards for men, with an apothecary's shop, store-rooms and laboratory.In the fourth court are two wards for women, with a surgery, hot and cold baths, &c.

And in the year 1718 another magnificent building was erected by the governors, containing lodgings and conveniences for a hundred infirm persons.So that this hospital is capable of containing five hundred patients and upwards at one time; and there are between four and five thousand people annually cured and discharged out of it, many of them being allowed money to bear their charges to their respective dwellings.

But one of the greatest charities ever attempted by a private citizen was that of Thomas Guy, Esq., originally a bookseller of London, and afterwards a Member of Parliament for Tamworth, who, having acquired an immense fortune, founded a hospital for incurables, on a spot of ground adjoining to St.Thomas's Hospital, and saw the noble fabric in a good forwardness in his lifetime, assigning about two hundred thousand pounds towards the building, and endowing it, insomuch that it is computed there may be an ample provision for four hundred unhappy people, who shall be given over by physicians and surgeons as incurable.This gentleman died in December, 1724, having first made his will, and appointed trustees to see his pious design duly executed.He gave also several thousand pounds to Christ's Hospital, and a thousand pounds a piece to fifty of his poor relations; but the will being in print, I refer the reader to it for a more particular account of this noble charity.

The first church and hospital, dedicated to St.Thomas a Becket, was erected by the Prior of Bermondsey, so long since as the year 1013;but the hospital was refounded, and the revenues increased, anno 1215, by Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester, in whose diocese it was situated, continuing, however, to be held of the priors of Bermondsey till the year 1428, when the Abbot of Bermondsey relinquished his interest to the master of the hospital for a valuable consideration.In the year 1538 this hospital was surrendered to King Henry VIII., being then valued at 266 pounds 17s.6d.per annum.And in the following reign, the City of London having purchased the buildings of the Crown, continued them a hospital for sick and wounded people; and King Edward VI.granted them some of the revenues of the dissolved hospitals and monasteries towards maintaining it: but these were inconsiderable in comparison of the large and numerous benefactions that have since been bestowed upon it by the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and other wealthy citizens and men of quality, governors of it, who are seldom fewer than two or three hundred, every one of them looking upon themselves to be under some obligation of making an addition to the revenues of the hospital they have the direction of.A committee of the governors sit every Thursday, to consider what patients are fit to be discharged, and to admit others.

The government of the City of London, it is observed, resembles that of the kingdom in general; the Lord Mayor is compared to the king, the aldermen to the nobility or upper house, and the common councilmen to the commons of England.

This assembly, consisting of the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and common councilmen, has obtained the name of The Common Council, and has a power, by their charters, of making such bye-laws and statutes as are obligatory to the citizens.It is called and adjourned by the Lord Mayor at pleasure, and out of it are formed several committees, viz.--1.A committee of six aldermen and twelve commoners for letting the City lands, which usually meets every Wednesday at Guildhall for that end.2.A committee of four aldermen and eight commoners for letting the lands and tenements given by Sir Thomas Gresham, who meets at Mercers' Hall on a summons from the Lord Mayor.3.Commissioners of Sewers and Pavements, elected annually.

And, 4.A governor, deputy-governor and assistants, for the management of City lands in the province of Ulster in Ireland.

The other principal courts in the City are, 1.The Court of Aldermen.2.The Court of Hustings.3.The Lord Mayor's Court.4.

The Sheriff's Court.5.The Chamberlain's Court.6.The Court of the City Orphans.7.The Court of Conscience.8.The Courts of Wardmote.And, 9.The Courts of Hallmote.

Besides which, there is a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, held eight times a year at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, for the trial of criminals.

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