

Girt with this, as soon as he had entered the doors of the enclosure, he took a piece of red-hot steel in the tongs, and plunged it into the yawning throat of the viper, which he laid dead.Then he flung his spear full into the gaping mouth of the snake as it wound and writhed forward, and destroyed it.And when he demanded the gage which was attached to victory by the terms of the covenant, Siward answered that he would accept that man only for his daughter's husband of whom she made a free and decided choice.None but the girl's mother was stiff against the wooer's suit; and she privately spoke to her daughter in order to search her mind.The daughter warmly praised her suitor for his valour; whereon the mother upbraided her sharply, that her chastity should be unstrung, and she be captivated by charming looks; and because, forgetting to judge his virtue, she cast the gaze of a wanton mind upon the flattering lures of beauty.Thus Alfhild was led to despise the young Dane; whereupon she exchanged woman's for man's attire, and, no longer the most modest of maidens, began the life of a warlike rover.

Enrolling in her service many maidens who were of the same mind, she happened to come to a spot where a band of rovers were lamenting the death of their captain, who had been lost in war;they made her their rover captain for her beauty, and she did deeds beyond the valour of woman.Alf made many toilsome voyages in pursuit of her, and in winter happened to come on a fleet of the Blacmen.The waters were at this time frozen hard, and the ships were caught in such a mass of ice that they could not get on by the most violent rowing.But the continued frost promised the prisoners a safer way of advance; and Alf ordered his men to try the frozen surface of the sea in their brogues, after they had taken off their slippery shoes, so that they could run over the level ice more steadily.The Blacmen supposed that they were taking to flight with all the nimbleness of their heels, and began to fight them, but their steps tottered exceedingly and they gave back, the slippery surface under their soles making their footing uncertain.But the Danes crossed the frozen sea with safer steps, and foiled the feeble advance of the enemy, whom they conquered, and then turned and sailed to Finland.Here they chanced to enter a rather narrow gulf, and, on sending a few men to reconnoitre, they learnt that the harbour was being held by a few ships.For Alfhild had gone before them with her fleet into the same narrows.And when she saw the strange ships afar off, she rowed in swift haste forward to encounter them, thinking it better to attack the foe than to await them.Alf's men were against attacking so many ships with so few; but he replied that it would be shameful if anyone should report to Alfhild that his desire to advance could be checked by a few ships in the path;for he said that their record of honours ought not to be tarnished by such a trifle.

The Danes wondered whence their enemies got such grace of bodily beauty and such supple limbs.So, when they began the sea-fight, the young man Alf leapt on Alfhild's prow, and advanced towards the stern, slaughtering all that withstood him.His comrade Borgar struck off Alfhild's helmet, and, seeing the smoothness of her chin, saw that he must fight with kisses and not with arms;that the cruel spears must be put away, and the enemy handled with gentler dealings.So Alf rejoiced that the woman whom he had sought over land and sea in the face of so many dangers was now beyond all expectation in his power; whereupon he took hold of her eagerly, and made her change her man's apparel for a woman's; and afterwards begot on her a daughter, Gurid.Also Borgar wedded the attendant of Alfhild, Groa, and had by her a son, Harald, to whom the following age gave the surname Hyldeland.

And that no one may wonder that this sex laboured at warfare, Iwill make a brief digression, in order to give a short account of the estate and character of such women.There were once women among the Danes who dressed themselves to look like men, and devoted almost every instant of their lives to the pursuit of war, that they might not suffer their valour to be unstrung or dulled by the infection of luxury.For they abhorred all dainty living, and used to harden their minds and bodies with toil and endurance.They put away all the softness and lightmindedness of women, and inured their womanish spirit to masculine ruthlessness.They sought, moreover, so zealously to be skilled in warfare, that they might have been thought to have unsexed themselves.Those especially, who had either force of character or tall and comely persons, used to enter on this kind of life.

These women, therefore (just as if they had forgotten their natural estate, and preferred sternness to soft words), offered war rather than kisses, and would rather taste blood than busses, and went about the business of arms more than that of amours.

They devoted those hands to the lance which they should rather have applied to the loom.They assailed men with their spears whom they could have melted with their looks, they thought of death and not of dalliance.Now I will cease to wander, and will go back to my theme.

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