

or have you gone to work more arbitrarily in this than is written down in the lawbook?"The archbishop replies, "King Olaf the Holy fixed the laws, to which he received the consent and affirmative of the people; but it will not be found in his laws that it is forbidden to increase God's right."Erling: "If you augment your right, you must assist us to augment as much the king's right."The archbishop: "Thou hast already augmented enough thy son's power and dominion; and if I have exceeded the law in taking an increase of the ore from the Throndhjem people, it is, I think, a much greater breach of the law that one is king over the country who is not a king's son, and which has neither any support in the law, nor in any precedent here in the country."Erling: "When Magnus was chosen king, it was done with your knowledge and consent, and also of all the other bishops here in the country."Archbishop: "You promised then, Erling, that provided we gave our consent to electing Magnus king, you would, on all occasions, and with all your power, strengthen God's rights."Erling: "I may well admit that I have promised to preserve and strengthen God's commands and the laws of the land with all my power, and with the king's strength; and now I consider it to be much more advisable, instead of accusing each other of a breach of our promises, to hold firmly by the agreement entered into between us.Do you strengthen Magnus in his dominion, according to what you have promised; and I will, on my part, strengthen your power in all that can be of advantage or honour."The conversation now took a more friendly turn; and Erling said, "Although Magnus was not chosen king according to what has been the old custom of this country, yet can you with your power give him consecration as king, as God's law prescribes, by anointing the king to sovereignty; and although I be neither a king, nor of kingly race, yet most of the kings, within my recollection, have not known the laws or the constitution of the country so well as I do.Besides, the mother of King Magnus is the daughter of a king and queen born in lawful wedlock, and Magnus is son of a queen and a lawfully married wife.Now if you will give him royal consecration, no man can take royalty from him.William Bastard was not a king's son; but he was consecrated and crowned king of England, and the royalty in England has ever since remained with his race, and all have been crowned.Svein Ulfson was not a king's son in Denmark, and still he was a crowned king, and his sons likewise, and all his descendants have been crowned kings.Now we have here in Norway an archiepiscopal seat, to the glory and honour of the country; let us also have a crowned king, as well as the Danes and Englishmen."Erling and the archbishop afterwards talked often of this matter, and they were quite agreed.Then the archbishop brought the business before the legate, and got him easily persuaded to give his consent.Thereafter the archbishop called together the bishops, and other learned men, and explained the subject to them.They all replied in the same terms, that they would follow the counsels of the archbishop, and all were eager to promote the consecration as soon as the archbishop pleased.


Erling Skakke then had a great feast prepared in the king's house.The large hall was covered with costly cloth and tapestry, and adorned with great expense.The court-men and all the attendants were there entertained, and there were numerous guests, and many chiefs.Then King Magnus received the royal consecration from the Archbishop Eystein; and at the consecration there were five other bishops and the legate, besides a number of other clergy.Erling Skakke, and with him twelve other lendermen, administered to the king the oath of the law; and the day of the consecration the king and Erling had the legate, the archbishop, and all the other bishops as guests; and the feast was exceedingly magnificent, and the father and son distributed many great presents.King Magnus was then eight years of age, and had been king for three years.


When the Danish king Valdemar heard the news from Norway that Magnus was become king of the whole country, and all the other parties in the country were rooted out, he sent his men with a letter to King Magnus and Erling, and reminded them of the agreement which Erling had entered into, under oath, with King Valdemar, of which we have spoken before; namely, that Viken from the east to Rygiarbit should be ceded to King Valdemar, if Magnus became the sole king of Norway.When the ambassadors came forward and showed Erling the letter of the Danish king, and he heard the Danish king's demand upon Norway, he laid it before the other chiefs by whose counsels he usually covered his acts.All, as one man, replied that the Danes should never hold the slightest portion of Norway; for never had things been worse in the land than when the Danes had power in it.The ambassadors of the Danish king were urgent with Erling for an answer, and desired to have it decided; but Erling begged them to proceed with him east to Viken, and said he would give his final answer when he had met with the men of most understanding and influence in Viken.


Erling Skakke proceeded in autumn to Viken, and stayed in Tunsberg, from whence he sent people to Sarpsborg to summon a Thing (1) of four districts; and then Erling went there with his people.

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    【本文一对一,女强男强,男女主身心双洁】本文又名《这个王爷有点暖》《山有木兮卿有意》【分隔符】重活一世,她成了将府千金,面对皇权的压迫,无法置身于安然之地。世人只当她痴傻,一无是处,却不知那闺房之中,一双素手,却只为一人,把江山谋。【分隔符】他则是怀着满门血仇权势滔天的东厂总督,傅岑。冷心冷情,让世人敬而远之。同时亦是那忍辱负重的久病不愈的靖安王爷,楚云辞。纵使心中藏着千番仇怨,却终究对一人上心,便是生生世世。【小剧场1】“傅岑,傅总督,你知不知道,现在外面都在传我们的谣言,你还不处理一下。” 男子看着气急败坏的女子,宠溺一笑,“什么谣言?”“他们都说……你倾心……于我。”女子神色微囧。“不是谣言,无需澄清。”男子忽然正色道。【小剧场2】某日,靖安王再一次重病……“楚云辞,我好心来看你,你怎么这么晚才出来?”容惜怒视着眼前生龙活虎的男子。“我刚刚在密室,而且是下人没说清楚是你过来了。”某男满满的求生欲。“那又如何?”“早知道是你来,我就不会走出来了,我一定用跑的!”
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