

It is told that King Sigurd, one Whitsunday, sat at table with many people, among whom were many of his friends; and when he came to his high-seat, people saw that his countenance was very wild, and as if he had been weeping, so that people were afraid of what might follow.The king rolled his eyes, and looked at those who were seated on the benches.Then he seized the holy book which he had brought with him from abroad, and which was written all over with gilded letters; so that never had such a costly book come to Norway.His queen sat by his side.Then said King Sigurd, "Many are the changes which may take place during a man's lifetime.I had two things which were dear to me above all when I came from abroad, and these were this book and the queen; and now I think the one is only worse and more loathsome than the other, and nothing I have belonging to me that I more detest.The queen does not know herself how hideous she is; for a goat's horn is standing out on her head, and the better I liked her before the worse I like her now." Thereupon he cast the book on the fire which was burning on the hall-floor, and gave the queen a blow with his fist between the eyes.The queen wept; but more at the king's' illness than at the blow, or the affront she had suffered.

Then a man stood up before the king; his name was Ottar Birting;and he was one of the torch-bearers, although a bonde's son, and was on service that day.He was of small stature, but of agreeable appearance; lively, bold, and full of fun; black haired, and of a dark skin.He ran and snatched the book which the king had cast into the fire, held it out, and said, "Different were the days, sire, when you came with great state and splendour to Norway, and with great fame and honour; for then all your friends came to meet you with joy, and were glad at your coming.All as one man would have you for king, and have you in the highest regard and honour.But now days of sorrow are come over us; for on this holy festival many of your friends have come to you, and cannot be cheerful on account of your melancholy and ill health.It is much to be desired that you would be merry with them; and do, good king, take this saving advice, make peace first with the queen, and make her joyful whom you have so highly affronted, with a friendly word; and then all your chiefs, friends, and servants; that is my advice."Then said King Sigurd, "Dost thou dare to give me advice, thou great lump of a houseman's lad!" And he sprang up, drew his sword, and swung it with both hands as if going to cut him down.

But Ottar stood quiet and upright; did not stir from the spot, nor show the slightest sign of fear; and the king turned round the sword-blade which he had waved over Ottar's head, and gently touched him on the shoulder with it.Then he sat down in silence on his high-seat.

All were silent who were in the hall, for nobody dared to say a word.Now the king looked around him, milder than before, and said, "It is difficult to know what there is in people.Here sat my friends, and lendermen, marshals and shield-bearers, and all the best men in the land; but none did so well against me as this man, who appears to you of little worth compared to any of you, although now he loves me most.I came here like a madman, and would have destroyed my precious property; but he turned aside my deed, and was not afraid of death for it.Then he made an able speech, ordering his words so that they were honourable to me, and not saying a single word about things which could increase my vexation; but even avoiding what might, with truth, have been said.So excellent was his speech, that no man here, however great his understanding, could have spoken better.Then I sprang up in a pretended rage, and made as if I would have cut him down;but he was courageous as if he had nothing to fear; and seeing that, I let go my purpose; for he was altogether innocent.Now ye shall know, my friends, how I intend to reward him; he was before my torchbearer, and shall now be my lenderman; and there shall follow what is still more, that he shall be the most distinguished of my lendermen.Go thou and sit among the lendermen, and be a servant no longer."Ottar became one of the most celebrated men in Norway for various good and praiseworthy deeds.


In King Sigurd's latter days he was once at an entertainment at one of his farms; and in the morning when he was dressed he was silent and still, so that his friends were afraid he was not able to govern himself.Now the farm bailiff, who was a man of good sense and courage, brought him into conversation, and asked if he had heard any news of such importance that it disturbed his mirth; or if the entertainment had not satisfied him; or if there was anything else that people could remedy.

King Sigurd said, that none of the things he had mentioned was the cause."But it is that I think upon the dream I had in the night.""Sire," replied he, "may it prove a lucky dream! I would gladly hear it."The king: "I thought that I was in Jadar, and looked out towards the sea; and that I saw something very black moving itself; and when it came near it appeared to be a large tree, of which the branches stretched far above the water, and the roots were down in the sea.Now when the tree came to the shore it broke into pieces, and drove all about the land, both the mainland and the out-islands, rocks and strands; and it appeared to me as if I saw over all Norway along the sea-coast, and saw pieces of that tree, some small and some large, driven into every bight."Then said the bailiff, "It is likely that you an best interpret this dream yourself; and I would willingly hear your interpretation of it."Then said the king, "This dream appears to me to denote the arrival in this country of some man who will fix his seat here, and whose posterity will spread itself over the land; but with unequal power, as the dream shows."32.OF ASLAK HANE.

It so happened once, that King Sigurd sat in a gloomy mood among many worthy men.It was Friday evening, and the kitchen-master asked what meat should be made ready.

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