

King Hakon was a good Christian when he came to Norway; but as the whole country was heathen, with much heathenish sacrifice, and as many great people, as well as the favour of the common people, were to be conciliated, he resolved to practice his Christianity in private.But he kept Sundays, and the Friday fasts, and some token of the greatest holy-days.He made a law that the festival of Yule should begin at the same time as Christian people held it, and that every man, under penalty, should brew a meal of malt into ale, and therewith keep the Yule holy as long as it lasted.Before him, the beginning of Yule, or the slaughter night, was the night of mid-winter (Dec.14), and Yule was kept for three days thereafter.It was his intent, as soon as he had set himself fast in the land, and had subjected the whole to his power, to introduce Christianity.He went to work first by enticing to Christianity the men who were dearest to him; and many, out of friendship to him, allowed themselves to be baptized, and some laid aside sacrifices.He dwelt long in the Throndhjem district, for the strength of the country lay there; and when he thought that, by the support of some powerful people there, he could set up Christianity he sent a message to England for a bishop and other teachers; and when they arrived in Norway, Hakon made it known that he would proclaim Christianity over all the land.The people of More and Raumsdal referred the matter to the people of Throndhjem.King Hakon then had several churches consecrated, and put priests into them; and when he came to Throndhjem he summoned the bondes to a Thing, and invited them to accept Christianity.They gave an answer to the effect that they would defer the matter until the Frosta-thing, at which there would be men from every district of the Throndhjem country, and then they would give their determination upon this difficult matter.


Sigurd, earl of Hlader, was one of the greatest men for sacrifices, and so had Hakon his father been; and Sigurd always presided on account of the king at all the festivals of sacrifice in the Throndhjem country.It was an old custom, that when there was to be sacrifice all the bondes should come to the spot where the temple stood and bring with them all that they required while the festival of the sacrifice lasted.To this festival all the men brought ale with them; and all kinds of cattle, as well as horses, were slaughtered, and all the blood that came from them was called "hlaut", and the vessels in which it was collected were called hlaut-vessels.Hlaut-staves were made, like sprinkling brushes, with which the whole of the altars and the temple walls, both outside and inside, were sprinkled over, and also the people were sprinkled with the blood; but the flesh was boiled into savoury meat for those present.The fire was in the middle of the floor of the temple, and over it hung the kettles, and the full goblets were handed across the fire; and he who made the feast, and was a chief, blessed the full goblets, and all the meat of the sacrifice.And first Odin's goblet was emptied for victory and power to his king; thereafter, Niord's and Freyja's goblets for peace and a good season.Then it was the custom of many to empty the brage-goblet (1); and then the guests emptied a goblet to the memory of departed friends, called the remembrance goblet.Sigurd the earl was an open-handed man, who did what was very much celebrated; namely, he made a great sacrifice festival at Hlader of which he paid all the expenses.Kormak Ogmundson sings of it in his ballad of Sigurd: --"Of cup or platter need has none The guest who seeks the generous one, --Sigurd the Generous, who can trace His lineage from the giant race;For Sigurd's hand is bounteous, free, --The guardian of the temples he.

He loves the gods, his liberal hand Scatters his sword's gains o'er the land-"ENDNOTES:

(1) The brage-goblet, over which vows were made.-- L.


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  • 乾隆巡幸江南记


  • 李氏家谱字派


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  • 妖精女皇


  • 玄天邪皇


  • 紫荆花


    故事以日占时期的香港为背景,当时的香港社会价值观正发生剧变。从收容所的冒险到香港香料港的美景,西沃恩·玳珂的小说将为读者带来既浪漫又刺激的冒险之旅,讲述主人公心灵的成长与救赎。“这是一次令人沉醉其中的阅读”——Renita D'Silva(畅销书Monsoon Memories作者)内容简介:凯特·沃尔斯利生活在外籍社区,过着富有而享有特权的单纯生活。但自从1941年12月日本人占领了香港后,她就被转移到了脏乱的帐篷居住。在40英里外的澳门,索菲亚·罗德古斯的父亲邀请一个日本人家庭到家里共进晚餐,这令索菲亚心中疑窦丛生,也使得她与自己控制欲极强的异母哥哥里奥之间生出嫌隙。
  • 我的热闹国


  • 塔克桑


  • 生命中曾有过的灿烂


  • 凰医帝临七神


  • 最前线:另一种篮球


  • 异能学院诚心莫叛


  • 你陪谁玩

