

According to the manner in which production is planned and carried out, it is possible to obtain from the same goods widely diverse kinds and amounts of return. Economic principles demand the obtaining of the greatest possible return; that is, the return possessing the greatest value which it is possible to obtain under the circumstances. It is this "greatest possible return" whose value should serve as basis for the valuation of production goods.(1*) Probably it never is possible to decide this beforehand with absolute accuracy, but some anticipatory estimate there must be. It is not therefore actually the value of the return which forms the ground of production value, -- but the expectation which is formed of it. It is the anticipated value of the anticipated return.

The greater the return reckoned on, the greater will be the productive value. The greater the dividend expected from a stock, the higher will be the value put upon the stock. This frustration of stocks and dividends is, on the whole, the best that could be given to explain productive value. Every means of production, every tool, every piece of land or raw material, every service of labour, represents, if one may say so, a share in an undertaking.

This share contributes to the result of the undertaking, and consequently gets ascribed to it a quota of the result, and upon the amount of this result its value must depend.(2*)NOTES:

1. The value of the productive unit again is decided according to the marginal law -- i.e. by the least among these returns. See below, Book III. chap. viii.

2. The classical political economy really examines only the value of products, or, more exactly, of produced consumption goods. So far as the factors of production are concerned, it looks upon them, on the one side, as sources of income (rent, interest, wage, and, perhaps, also undertaker's income); on the other side, as the elements which go to form the costs of production, and are considered to decide, principally, the value of the products.

But when one compares with this the endeavours which, explicitly or implicitly, guide the new writers on the theory of value, we find the circle of the phenomena to which the idea of value is applied extraordinarily widened. Factors of production -- better expressed by the later writers as "production goods" --are conceived of all through as objects of value; costs are directly phenomena of value; and even income must be so conceived. Further than this, the relations between the value of utilities and the value of production goods is turned just the other way about -- the former being considered as determining, the latter as determined. On the present occasion we have first to do with the proposition which may serve as starting-point for the whole theory, -- that production goods receive their value from the value of the products which they serve to create.

Gossen, Jevons, Menger, and Walras are all agreed on this point In my opinion it is again Menger who gives the most clear and comprehensive statement of the matter. He divides (as does also Gossen, though much less perfectly) the entire goods which stand in the productive nexus into Ranks, and value is conducted from rank to rank. The first and lowest rank is formed by those utilities which receive their value direct from wants. The value thus received passes over first to goods of the second rank, those, namely, which serve directly towards the producing of goods of the first rank; as e.g. the meal and the labour of the baker in the preparation of bread. From these value passes on to goods of the third rank (e.g. wheat and the labour of the miller); and so on, step by step, till it reaches the highest, or, as Bohm-Bawerk calls them, the most remote ranks.

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    人格严重性分裂的凤九倾被人杀了!!然后穿越了!!嗯…这是个很严肃的问题。凤九倾对此表示无所谓,但是…那个跟自己身后那个总想撩自己的某男是怎么办,当然是撩回去啊,要知道,我才是攻。邪魅:“若你不离不弃,我便生死相依,但若你舍我而去,那你便是逃到天涯海角,我也会抓住你,然后…让你只能拥有属于我一个人…” 温润:“你爱我会为我而死吗?让我看看你的诚意……好吧,我已经知道了。那么我的答案是……我愿意。” 无情:“无情?什么是无情?无情就是没有感情。但若是这无情变成有情,会如同身处黑暗的人找到一丝光明,她会固执地抓住不放手,就算这份固执会使她粉身碎骨。如同蓝色水菊一样,善变固执又无情。所以这样一个无情的我,你……接受吗?” 单纯:“我知道我一无是处,但我愿意把我的一切都给你,所以……你可不可以别抛下我,我会很听话的。” 某男很郁闷,媳妇太精分,太撩了怎么办,自己不仅要防男人,还要防女人。哎~萌新一枚,不喜勿喷。
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