

The Buli nodded to one of his big mountaineers, who stepped forward, swinging a club.Narau bolted into the nearest house, seeking to hide among the woman and mats; but John Starhurst sprang in under the club and threw his arms around his executioner's neck.From this point of vantage he proceeded to argue.He was arguing for his life, and he knew it; but he was neither excited nor afraid.

"It would be an evil thing for you to kill me," he told the man."I have done you no wrong, nor have I done the Buli wrong."So well did he cling to the neck of the one man that they dared not strike with their clubs.And he continued to cling and to dispute for his life with those who clamored for his death.

"I am John Starhurst," he went on calmly."I have labored in Fiji for three years, and I have done it for no profit.I am here among you for good.Why should any man kill me? To kill me will not profit any man."The Buli stole a look at the whale tooth.He was well paid for the deed.The missionary was surrounded by a mass of naked savages, all struggling to get at him.The death song, which is the song of the oven, was raised, and his expostulations could no longer be heard.But so cunningly did he twine and wreathe his body about his captor's that thedeath blow could not be struck.Erirola smiled, and the Buli grew angry."Away with you!" he cried."A nice story to go back to the coast--adozen of you and one missionary, without weapons, weak as a woman, overcoming all of you.""Wait, O Buli," John Starhurst called out from the thick of the scuffle, "and I will overcome even you.For my weapons are Truth and Right, and no man can withstand them.""Come to me, then," the Buli answered, "for my weapon is only a poor miserable club, and, as you say, it cannot withstand you."The group separated from him, and John Starhurst stood alone, facing the Buli, who was leaning on an enormous, knotted warclub.

"Come to me, missionary man, and overcome me," the Buli challenged.

"Even so will I come to you and overcome you," John Starhurst madeanswer, first wiping his spectacles and settling them properly, then beginning his advance.

The Buli raised the club and waited.

"In the first place, my death will profit you nothing," began the argument.

"I leave the answer to my club," was the Buli's reply.

And to every point he made the same reply, at the same time watching the missionary closely in order to forestall that cunning run-in under the lifted club.Then, and for the first time, John Starhurst knew that his death was at hand.He made no attempt to run in.Bareheaded, he stood in the sun and prayed aloud--the mysterious figure of the inevitable white man, who, with Bible, bullet, or rum bottle, has confronted the amazed savage in his every stronghold.Even so stood John Starhurst in the rock fortress of the Buli of Gatoka.

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do," he prayed."O Lord! Have mercy upon Fiji.Have compasssion for Fiji.O Jehovah, hear us for His sake, Thy Son, whom Thou didst give that through Him all men might also become Thy children.From Thee we came, and our mind is that to Thee we may return.The land is dark, O Lord, the land is dark.But Thou art mighty to save.Reach out Thy hand, O Lord, and save Fiji, poor cannibal Fiji."The Buli grew impatient.

"Now will I answer thee," he muttered, at the same time swinging his club with both hands.

Narau, hiding among the women and the mats, heard the impact of the blow and shuddered.Then the death song arose, and he knew his beloved missionary's body was being dragged to the oven as he heard the words:

"Drag me gently.Drag me gently." "For I am the champion of my land.""Give thanks! Give thanks! Give thanks!"

Next, a single voice arose out of the din, asking: "Where is the brave man?"A hundred voices bellowed the answer:

"Gone to be dragged into the oven and cooked.""Where is the coward?" the single voice demanded.

"Gone to report!" the hundred voices bellowed back."Gone to report! Gone to report!"Narau groaned in anguish of spirit.The words of the old song were true.He was the coward, and nothing remained to him but to go and report.

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    【无男主】温雅变成了许雅白,书穿了。书穿到在查资料的时候无意翻看到的末日小说里面的炮灰身上,从此温雅的的画风渐渐诡异起来。“时越哥哥,我要做你的白月光哦!”“权牧清同学,我想做你的白月光!”被人送到末日小说里面,开玩笑,雅雅像是乖巧的按照剧情来的人吗?雅雅会那么死的那么快吗?不把书给崩坏,雅雅还算是小魔王吗?带着疑问三连,温雅温柔善良大方,里子病娇腹黑小气。“雅雅,你的面具什么时候摘下?”“不可以哦!不能丢掉温柔善良大方白莲花,呸,白月光的标配哦!” * 建了个书院,半壶书院门牌号码:583100565