

CAPT. M. (Aside.) And this man led at Amdheran after Bagal Deasin went under, and we were all mixed up together, and he came out of the snow dripping like a butcher. (Aloud.) Skittles!

The men can always open out, and you can always pick your way more or less. We haven't the dust to bother us, as the men have, and whoever heard of a horse stepping on a man?

CAPT. G. Never-as long as he can see. But did they open out for poor Errington?

CAPT. M. Oh, this is childish!

CAPT. G. I know it is, worse than that. I don't care. You've ridden Van Loo. Is he the sort of brute to pick his way-'specially when we're coming up in column of troop with any pace on?

CAPT. M. Once in a Blue Moon do we gallop in column of troop, and then only to save time. Aren't three lengths enough for you?

CAPT. G. Yes-quite enough. They just allow for the full development of the smash. I'm talking like a cur, I know: but I tell you that, for the past three months, I've felt every hoof of the squadron in the small of my back every time that I've led.

CAPT. M. But, Gaddy, this is awful!

CAPT. G. Isn't it lovely? Isn't it royal? A Captain of the Pink Hussars watering up his charger before parade like the blasted boozing Colonel of a Black Regiment!

CAPT. M. You never did!

CAPT. G. Once Only. He squelched like a mussuck, and the Troop-Sergeant-Major cocked his eye at me. You know old Haffy's eye. I was afraid to do it again.

CAPT. M. I should think so. That was the best way to rupture old Van Loo's tummy, and make him crumple you up. You knew that.

CAPT. G. I didn't care. It took the edge off him.

CAPT. M. "Took the edge off him"? Gaddy, you-you-you mustn't, you know! Think of the men.

CAPT. G. That's another thing I am afraid of. D'you s'pose they know?

CAPT. M. Let's hope not; but they're deadly quick to spot skirm-little things of that kind. See here, old man, send the Wife Home for the hot weather and come to Kashmir with me. We'll start a boat on the Dal or cross the Rhotang-shoot ibex or loaf-which you please. Only come! You're a bit off your oats and you're talking nonsense. Look at the Colonel-swag-bellied rascal that he is. He has a wife and no end of a bow-window of his own. Can any one of us ride round him-chalkstones and all? I can't, and I think Ican shove a crock along a bit.

CAPT. G. Some men are different. I haven't any nerve. Lord help me, I haven't the nerve! I've taken up a hole and a half to get my knees well under the wallets. I can't help it. I'm so afraid of anything happening to me. On my soul, I ought to be broke in front of the squadron, for cowardice.

CAPT. M. Ugly word, that. I should never have the courage to own up.

CAPT. G. I meant to lie about my reasons when I began, but-I've got out of the habit of lying to you, old man. Jack, you won't?-But I know you won't.

CAPT. M. Of course not. (Half aloud.) The Pinks are paying dearly for their Pride.

CAPT. G. Eb! What-at?

CAPT. M. Don't you know? The men have called Mrs. Gadsby the Pride of the Pink Hussars ever since she came to us.

CAPT. G. 'Tisn't her fault. Don't think that. It's all mine.

CAPT. M. What does she say?

CAPT. G. I haven't exactly put it before her. She's the best little woman in the world, Jack, and all that-but she wouldn't counsel a man to stick to his calling if it came between him and her. At least, I think-CAPT. M. Never mind. Don't tell her what you told me. Go on the Peerage and Landed-Gentry tack.

CAPT. G. She'd see through it. She's five times cleverer than I am.

CAPT. M. (Aside.) Then she'll accept the sacrifice and think a little bit worse of him for the rest of her days.

CAPT. G. (Absentl'y.) I say, do you despise me?

CAPT. M. 'Queer way of putting it. Have you ever been asked that question? Think a minute. What answer used you to give?

  • 格致余论


  • 佛说稻芋经


  • 禅宗永嘉集


  • 高上神霄玉清真王紫书大法


  • 八阵总述


  • 位面地铁


  • 神秘指令之终极冒险


  • 枕草子


  • 不死武神闯斗破


  • 变形记


  • 初云与晚云


  • 有些事现在不做,一辈子都不会做了2:简单生活


    继续提倡“只需去做,生活就会改变”,提供给大家的是简单生活的建议, 提供一些大家平时想不到,或者想到了却一直没有去做的事情,并且告诉读者,怎么去做,或者去哪里可以做到。这本书讲到的也不是多么惊天动地的大事,有的只是生活中触手可及的简单小事。
  • 至尊红颜之倾城皇妃


  • 自控术:如何管住自己的生活心理学


    人人都能拥有自控力! 也许你有以下问题: 晚上不肯睡、早上不肯起;不吃或很少吃早餐;挑食或偏食;懒得锻炼或基本不锻炼;每天很忙但效率很低;网游控或微博控;一网购就Hold不住;月光一族;购物狂、信用卡“负翁”;怯尝怕生;异性恐惧症;戒不了烟、减不了肥…… 那表示,你正在失控! 失控,是一种对时间和生活失去自主能力的心理病变。它会蚕食自信、乐观、淡定等正能量,还会摧毁人的创造力与意志力。失控的后果很严重。 本书运用心理学、医学与神经学的方法,帮助你认识住在身体里的7个分身,同时激发正能量,远离负面小情绪。而其实,每个人都可以拥有无比强大的自己。
  • 妃常有毒,宸王别嚣张

