

"I am Ranald of the Mist!"answered the Islesman,repeating the blow;and with that word,they engaged in close and furious conflict.It seemed to be decreed,that in Allan M'Aulay had arisen the avenger of his mother's wrongs upon this wild tribe,as was proved by the issue of the present,as well as of former combats.After exchanging a few blows,Ranald MacEagh was prostrated by a deep wound on the skull;and M'Aulay,setting his foot on him,was about to pass the broadsword through his body,when the point of the weapon was struck up by a third party,who suddenly interposed.This was no other than Major Dalgetty,who,stunned.by the fall,and encumbered by the dead body of his horse,had now recovered his legs and his understanding."Hold up your sword,"said he to M'Aulay,"and prejudice this person no farther,in respect that he is here in my safeconduct,and in his Excellency's service;and in regard that no honourable cavalier is at liberty,by the law martial,to avenge his own private injuries,FLAGRANTE BELLO,MULTO MAJUS FLAGRANTE PRAELIO."

"Fool!"said Allan,"stand aside,and dare not to come between the tiger and his prey!"

But,far from quitting his point,Dalgetty stept across the fallen body of MacEagh,and gave Allan to understand,that if he called himself a tiger,he was likely,at present,to find a lion in his path.There required no more than the gesture and tone of defiance to turn the whole rage of the military Seer against the person who was opposing the course of his vengeance,and blows were instantly exchanged without farther ceremony.

The strife betwixt Allan and MacEagh had been unnoticed by the stragglers around,for the person of the latter was known to few of Montrose's followers;but the scuffle betwixt Dalgetty and him,both so well known,attracted instant attention;and fortunately,among others,that of Montrose himself,who had come for the purpose of gathering together his small body of horse,and following the pursuit down Loch-Eil.Aware of the fatal consequences of dissension in his little army,he pushed his horse up to the spot,and seeing MacEagh on the ground,and Dalgetty in the attitude of protecting him against M'Aulay,his quick apprehension instantly caught the cause of quarrel,and as instantly devised means to stop it."For shame,"he said,"gentlemen cavaliers,brawling together in so glorious a field of victory!--Are you mad?Or are you intoxicated with the glory which you have both this day gained?"

"It is not my fault,so please your Excellency,"said Dalgetty.

"I have been known a BONUS SOCIUS,A BON CAMARADO,in all the services of Europe;but he that touches a man under my safeguard --"

"And he,"said Allan,speaking at the same time,"who dares to bar the course of my just vengeance--"

"For shame,gentlemen!"again repeated Montrose;"I have other business for you both,--business of deeper importance than any private quarrel,which you may easily find a more fitting time to settle.For you,Major Dalgetty,kneel down."

"Kneel!"said Dalgetty;"I have not learned to obey that word of command,saving when it is given from the pulpit.In the Swedish discipline,the front rank do indeed kneel,but only when the regiment is drawn up six file deep."

"Nevertheless,"repeated Montrose,--"kneel down,in the name of King Charles and of his representative."

When Dalgetty reluctantly obeyed,Montrose struck him lightly on the neck with the flat of his sword,saying,--"In reward of the gallant service of this day,and in the name and authority of our Sovereign,King Charles,I dub thee knight;be brave,loyal,and fortunate.And now,Sir Dugald Dalgetty,to your duty.Collect what horsemen you can,and pursue such of the enemy as are flying down the side of the lake.Do not disperse your force,nor venture too far;but take heed to prevent their rallying,which very little exertion may do.Mount,then,Sir Dugald,and do your duty."

"But what shall I mount?"said the new-made chevalier."Poor Gustavus sleeps in the bed of honour,like his immortal namesake!

and I am made a knight,a rider,as the High Dutch have it,just when I have not a horse left to ride upon."[In German,as in Latin,the original meaning of the word Ritter,corresponding to Eques,is merely a horseman.] "That shall not be said,"answered Montrose,dismounting;"I make you a present of my own,which has been thought a good one;only,I pray you,resume the duty you discharge so well."

With many acknowledgments,Sir Dugald mounted the steed so liberally bestowed upon him;and only beseeching his Excellency to remember that MacEagh was under his safe-conduct,immediately began to execute the orders assigned to him,with great zeal and alacrity.

"And you,Allan M'Aulay,"said Montrose,addressing the Highlander,who,leaning his sword-point on the ground,had regarded the ceremony of his antagonist's knighthood with a sneer of sullen scorn,--"you,who are superior to the ordinary men led by the paltry motives of plunder,and pay,and personal distinction,--you,whose deep knowledge renders you so valuable a counsellor,--is it YOU whom I find striving with a man like Dalgetty,for the privilege of trampling the remains of life out of so contemptible an enemy as lies there?Come,my friend,I have other work for you.This victory,skilfully improved,shall win Seaforth to our party.It is not disloyalty,but despair of the good cause,that has induced him to take arms against us.

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