

Then, apparently in the very midst of her cares, she suddenly and without warning ceased to boss, walked out into the street, halted, and stared frankly at Jane.

Jane had begun her automatic feeding again.

She continued it, meanwhile seriously returning the stare of the new neighbor.For several minutes this mutual calm and inoffensive gaze was protracted; then Jane, after swallowing the last morsel of her supplies, turned her head away and looked at a tree.The little girl, into whose eyes some wistfulness had crept, also turned her head and looked at a tree.After a while, she advanced to the curb on Jane's side of the street, and, swinging her right foot, allowed it to kick the curbstone repeatedly.

Jane came out to the sidewalk and began to kick one of the fence-pickets.

``You see that ole fatty?'' asked the little girl, pointing to one of the workmen, thus sufficiently identified.


``That's the one broke the goldfish,'' said the little girl.There was a pause during which she continued to scuff the curbstone with her shoe, Jane likewise scuffing the fence-picket.``I'm goin' to have papa get him arrested,'' added the stranger.

``My papa got two men arrested once,'' Jane said, calmly.``Two or three.''

The little girl's eyes, wandering upward, took note of Jane's papa's house, and of a fierce young gentleman framed in an open window up-stairs.

He was seated, wore ink upon his forehead, and tapped his teeth with a red penholder.

``Who is that?'' she asked.

``It's Willie.''

``Is it your papa?''

``NO-O-O-O!'' Jane exclaimed.``It's WILLIE!''

``Oh,'' said the little girl, apparently satisfied.

Each now scuffed less energetically with her shoe; feet slowed down; so did conversation, and, for a time, Jane and the stranger wrapped themselves in stillness, though there may have been some silent communing between them.Then the new neighbor placed her feet far apart and leaned backward upon nothing, curving her front outward and her remarkably flexible spine inward until a profile view of her was grandly semicircular.

Jane watched her attentively, but without comment.However, no one could have doubted that the processes of acquaintance were progressing favorably.

``Let's go in our yard,'' said Jane.

The little girl straightened herself with a slight gasp, and accepted the invitation.Side by side, the two passed through the open gate, walked gravely forth upon the lawn, and halted, as by common consent.Jane thereupon placed her feet wide apart and leaned backward upon nothing, attempting the feat in contortion just performed by the stranger.

``Look,'' she said.``Look at ME!''

But she lacked the other's genius, lost her balance, and fell.Born persistent, she immediately got to her feet and made fresh efforts.

``No! Look at ME!'' the little girl cried, becoming semicircular again.``This is the way.

I call it `puttin' your stummick out o' joint.'

You haven't got yours out far enough.''

``Yes, I have,'' said Jane, gasping.

``Well, to do it right, you must WALK that way.

As soon as you get your stummick out o' joint, you must begin an' walk.Look! Like this.''

And the little girl, having achieved a state of such convexity that her braided hair almost touched the ground behind her, walked successfully in that singular attitude.

``I'm walkin','' Jane protested, her face not quite upside down.``Look! I'M walkin' that way, too.My stummick--''

There came an outraged shout from above, and a fierce countenance, stained with ink, protruded from the window.



``Stop that! Stop putting your stomach out in front of you like that! It's disgraceful!''

Both young ladies, looking rather oppressed, resumed the perpendicular.``Why doesn't he like it?'' the stranger asked in a tone of pure wonder.

``I don't know,'' said Jane.``He doesn't like much of anything.He's seventeen years old.''

After that, the two stared moodily at the ground for a little while, chastened by the severe presence above; then Jane brightened.

``_I_ know!'' she exclaimed, cozily.``Let's play callers.Right here by this bush 'll be my house.

You come to call on me, an' we'll talk about our chuldren.You be Mrs.Smith an' I'm Mrs.

  • 女科折衷纂要


  • 天台智者大师斋忌礼赞文


  • 述学


  • 续北山酒经


  • 要行舍身经


  • 非凡创意


    如何成功创意成了多数企业的难题!读读这本书吧,看看成功创意有什么秘诀! 本书主要内容包括:企划创意、投资创意、商旅故事几方面。主要介绍创意与创新的理念谋划与严密的准备。 本书没有艰深的理论,没有难懂的术语,只有若干通俗易懂的小文。从结构上看,有故事,有点评,故事娓娓道来,点评恰到好处;从内容上看,既有赚钱的绝招,又有策划的妙法,平淡中体现创意,直白中透露高招。
  • 英雄联盟之逍遥都市


  • 国民女神带你飞


  • 皇妃出阁


    定亲八载,四年等待,一朝完婚的圣旨,等来的却是大婚当天花轿临门,被他公然拒之门外,抗旨不婚。 她是藩王之女,他是权倾朝野,得蒙圣宠的三皇子。 第一次见面,她差点成了他的剑下亡魂,却执意做他的王妃,生生阻断他与心中挚爱相守。“本王一定会让你后悔今日所做的决定!” 殊不知,她才是令他魂牵梦萦三年的女子。 至此,她成为他一生悔之的魔障!
  • 影帝的小青梅


  • 致命锁情:骄冷男神,宠不停


  • 三论玄义


  • 楚汉之争


  • 夜月魅影


  • 哈利波特之黑魔之子

