

'The reading of it now and then,' I said, 'will encourage that faith in the brighter and better part of human nature which Ihope, by God's help, to preserve pure to my dying day.' In that way I became possessed of the manuscript: it was Anne's husband who made the copy for me.You have noticed a few withered leaves scattered here and there between the pages.They were put there, years since, by the bride's own hand: they are all that now remain of the flowers that Anne Rodway gathered on her marriage morning from Mary Mallinson's grave."Jessie tried to answer, but the words failed on her lips.Between the effect of the story, and the anticipation of the parting now so near at hand, the good, impulsive, affectionate creature was fairly overcome.She laid her head on Owen's shoulder, and kept tight hold of his hand, and let her heart speak simply for itself, without attempting to help it by a single word.

The silence that followed was broken harshly by the tower clock.

The heavy hammer slowly rang out ten strokes through the gloomy night-time and the dying storm.

I waited till the last humming echo of the clock fainted into dead stillness.I listened once more attentively, and again listened in vain.Then I rose, and proposed to my brothers that we should leave our guest to compose herself for the night.

When Owen and Morgan were ready to quit the room, I took her by the hand, and drew her a little aside.

"You leave us early, my dear," I said; "but, before you go to-morrow morning--"I stopped to listen for the last time, before the words were spoken which committed me to the desperate experiment of pleading George's cause in defiance of his own request.Nothing caught my ear but the sweep of the weary weakened wind and the melancholy surging of the shaken trees.

"But, before you go to-morrow morning," I resumed, "I want to speak to you in private.We shall breakfast at eight o'clock.Is it asking too much to beg you to come and see me alone in my study at half past seven?"Just as her lips opened to answer me I saw a change pass over her face.I had kept her hand in mine while I was speaking, and Imust have pressed it unconsciously so hard as almost to hurt her.

She may even have uttered a few words of remonstrance; but they never reached me: my whole hearing sense was seized, absorbed, petrified.At the very instant when I had ceased speaking, I, and I alone, heard a faint sound--a sound that was new to me--fly past the Glen Tower on the wings of the wind.

"Open the window, for God's sake!" I cried.

My hand mechanically held hers tighter and tighter.She struggled to free it, looking hard at me with pale cheeks and frightened eyes.Owen hastened up and released her, and put his arms round me.

"Griffith, Griffith!" he whispered, "control yourself, for George's sake."Morgan hurried to the window and threw it wide open.

The wind and rain rushed in fiercely.Welcome, welcome wind! They all heard it now."Oh, Father in heaven, so merciful to fathers on earth--my son, my son!"It came in, louder and louder with every gust of wind--the joyous, rapid gathering roll of wheels.My eyes fastened on her as if they could see to her heart, while she stood there with her sweet face turned on me all pale and startled.I tried to speak to her; I tried to break away from Owen's arms, to throw my own arms round her, to keep her on my bosom, till _he_ came to take her from me.But all my strength had gone in the long waiting and the long suspense.My head sank on Owen's breast--but I still heard the wheels.Morgan loosened my cravat, and sprinkled water over my face--I still heard the wheels.The poor terrified girl ran into her room, and came back with her smelling-salts--I heard the carriage stop at the house.The room whirled round and round with me; but I heard the eager hurry of footsteps in the hall, and the opening of the door.In another moment my son's voice rose clear and cheerful from below, greeting the old servants who loved him.The dear, familiar tones just poured into my ear, and then, the moment they filled it, hushed me suddenly to rest.

When I came to myself again my eyes opened upon George.I was lying on the sofa, still in the same room; the lights we had read by in the evening were burning on the table; my son was kneeling at my pillow, and we two were alone.


THE wind is fainter, but there is still no calm.The rain is ceasing, but there is still no sunshine.The view from my window shows me the mist heavy on the earth, and a dim gray veil drawn darkly over the sky.Less than twelve hours since, such a prospect would have saddened me for the day.I look out at it this morning, through the bright medium of my own happiness, and not the shadow of a shade falls across the steady inner sunshine that is poring over my heart.

  • 阿弥陀经通赞疏


  • 维摩疏释前小序抄


  • 黄帝八十一难经注义图序论


  • 蜀锦谱


  • 玉箓生神资度开收仪


  • 许小姐,我们恋爱吧


  • 重生之翡翠良缘


  • 设计鬼才


  • 凤司命


  • 寻药记之卖药人


  • 无上九霄玉清大梵紫微玄都雷霆玉经


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 日落危城


  • 滑坡


  • 世界佛教通史·第十三卷:亚洲之外佛教(从佛教传入至公元20世纪)

