

His person was well formed, and his face marked with the lines of thinking. He had something short and dry in his address, and seemed not to understand ceremony, or to despise it. Upon the landlord's leaving the room, I could not avoid expressing my concern to the stranger at seeing a gentleman in such circumstances, and offered him my purse to satisfy the present demand. 'I take it with all my heart, Sir,' replied he, 'and am glad that a late oversight in giving what money I had about me, has shewn me that there are still some men like you. I must, however, previously entreat being informed of the name and residence of my benefactor, in order to repay him as soon as possible.' In this I satisfied him fully, not only mentioning my name and late misfortunes, but the place to which I was going to remove. 'This,' cried he, 'happens still more luckily than I hoped for, as I am going the same way myself, having been detained here two days by the floods, which, I hope, by to-morrow will be found passable.' I testified the pleasure I should have in his company, and my wife and daughters joining in entreaty, he was prevailed upon to stay supper. The stranger's conversation, which was at once pleasing and instructive, induced me to wish for a continuance of it; but it was now high time to retire and take refreshment against the fatigues of the following day.

The next morning we all set forward together: my family on horseback, while Mr Burchell, our new companion, walked along the foot-path by the road-side, observing, with a smile, that as we were ill mounted, he would be too generous to attempt leaving us behind. As the floods were not yet subsided, we were obliged to hire a guide, who trotted on before, Mr Burchell and I bringing up the rear. We lightened the fatigues of the road with philosophical disputes, which he seemed to understand perfectly.

But what surprised me most was, that though he was a money- borrower, he defended his opinions with as much obstinacy as if he had been my patron. He now and then also informed me to whom the different seats belonged that lay in our view as we travelled the road. 'That,' cried he, pointing to a very magnificent house which stood at some distance, 'belongs to Mr Thornhill, a young gentleman who enjoys a large fortune, though entirely dependent on the will of his uncle, Sir William Thornhill, a gentleman, who content with a little himself, permits his nephew to enjoy the rest, and chiefly resides in town.' 'What!' cried I, 'is my young landlord then the nephew of a man whose virtues, generosity, and singularities are so universally known? I have heard Sir William Thornhill represented as one of the most generous, yet whimsical, men in the kingdom; a man of consumate benevolence'--'Something, perhaps, too much so,' replied Mr Burchell, 'at least he carried benevolence to an excess when young; for his passions were then strong, and as they all were upon the side of virtue, they led it up to a romantic extreme. He early began to aim at the qualifications of the soldier and scholar; was soon distinguished in the army and had some reputation among men of learning.

  • Barnaby Rudge

    Barnaby Rudge

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  • 墨子城守各篇简注


  • 重返海洋


    这是属于大舰巨炮的时代,这是属于华夏海军的传奇。 来自外太空的敌人统治了地球所有的海洋,并向我们的陆地发起进攻。当导弹成为一块废铁,雷达被干扰无法运作。人类引以为傲的电子科技在外星人强大的电磁脉冲面前只不过是垃圾。 战列舰重新回到了世界的舞台,人类将依靠着钢铁、火药和意志与强大的敌人作战。 炮管散发阵阵硝烟,这是属于男人们的浪漫。 纪海来到了二十一世纪末的世界,他将加入人民海军和战友们一起在这个热血的舞台上书写着属于他们的传奇。 大西洋猛烈的狂风,太平洋和煦的海风。北冰洋夜空耀眼的星辰,夏威夷群岛美丽的风光,爱琴海蔚蓝色的宝石,我们战斗的足迹踏遍了全世界! PS:再次补充,觉得在外星人电磁战下人类没得打的,觉得我在YY瞎写的。这本书我已经尽力圆上漏洞了,请嘴下留情,然后点击叉叉退出网页。 整个起点YY厉害的又不止我一个,要真实去看别的书吧。 本人比较喜欢舔船,剧情中期会出现类似于苍蓝琶音人工智能操纵战舰的设定(仅主角专属舰娘),不喜勿喷。
  • Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland

    Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland

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  • Sketches by Boz(VII) 博茲札記(英文版)
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