

Master Byles Gridley had been appointed Myrtle's legal protector, and, with the assistance of Mr. Penhallow, had brought the property she inherited into a more manageable and productive form; so that, when Clement began his fine studio behind the old mansion, he felt that at least he could pursue his art, or arts, if he chose to give himself to sculpture, without that dreadful hag, Necessity, standing by him to pinch the features of all his ideals, and give them something of her own likeness.

Silence Withers was more cheerful now that she had got rid of her responsibility. She embellished her spare person a little more than in former years. These young people looked so happy! Love was not so unendurable, perhaps, after all. No woman need despair,--especially if she has a house over her, and a snug little property.

A worthy man, a former missionary, of the best principles, but of a slightly jocose and good-humored habit, thought that he could piece his widowed years with the not insignificant, fraction of life left to Miss Silence, to their mutual advantage. He came to the village, therefore, where Father Pemberton was very glad to have him supply the pulpit in the place of his unfortunate disabled colleague. The courtship soon began, and was brisk enough; for the good man knew there was no time to lose at his period of life,--or hers either, for that matter. It was a rather odd specimen of love-making; for he was constantly trying to subdue his features to a gravity which they were not used to, and she was as constantly endeavoring to be as lively as possible, with the innocent desire of pleasing her light-hearted suitor.

"Vieille fille fait jeune mariee." Silence was ten years younger as a bride than she had seemed as a lone woman. One would have said she had got out of the coach next to the hearse, and got into one some half a dozen behind it,--where there is often good and reasonably cheerful conversation going on about the virtues of the deceased, the probable amount of his property, or the little slips he may have committed, and where occasionally a subdued pleasantry at his expense sets the four waistcoats shaking that were lifting with sighs a half-hour ago in the house of mourning. But Miss Silence, that was, thought that two families, with all the possible complications which time might bring, would be better in separate establishments. She therefore proposed selling The Poplars to Myrtle and her husband, and removing to a house in the village, which would be large enough for them, at least for the present. So the young folks bought the old house, and paid a mighty good price for it; and enlarged it, and beautified and glorified it, and one fine morning went together down to the Widow Hopkins's, whose residence seemed in danger of being a little crowded,--for Gifted lived there with his Susan,--and what had happened might happen again,--and gave Master Byles Gridley a formal and most persuasively worded invitation to come up and make his home with them at The Poplars.

Now Master Gridley has been betrayed into palpable and undisguised weakness at least once in the presence of this assembly, who are looking upon him almost for the last time before they part from him, and see his face no more. Let us not inquire too curiously, then, how he received this kind proposition. It is enough, that, when he found that a new study had been built on purpose for him, and a sleeping-room attached to it so that he could live there without disturbing anybody if he chose, he consented to remove there for a while, and that he was there established amidst great rejoicing.

Cynthia Badlam had fallen of late into poor health. She found at last that she was going; and as she had a little property of her own,--as almost all poor relations have, only there is not enough of it,--she was much exercised in her mind as to the final arrangements to be made respecting its disposition. The Rev. Dr. Pemberton was one day surprised by a message, that she wished to have an interview with him. He rode over to the town in which she was residing, and there had a long conversation with her upon this matter. When this was settled, her mind seemed too be more at ease. She died with a comfortable assurance that she was going to a better world, and with a bitter conviction that it would be hard to find one that would offer her a worse lot than being a poor relation in this.

Her little property was left to Rev. Eliphalet Pemberton and Jacob Penhallow, Esq., to be by them employed for such charitable purposes as they should elect, educational or other. Father Pemberton preached an admirable funeral sermon, in which he praised her virtues, known to this people among whom she had long lived, and especially that crowning act by which she devoted all she had to purposes of charity-and benevolence.

  • 知言


  • 明伦汇编人事典齿部


  • 虚空藏菩萨神咒经


  • 眼科阐微


  • Half a Life-Time Ago

    Half a Life-Time Ago

  • 农门锦绣


  • 中国特色社会主义政治文明研究


    在迎接党的十七大胜利召开的日子里,这本《中国特色社会主义政治文明研究》终于最后完稿了。跨越了三度寒暑、数易其稿的历程,当画上本书最后一个句号时,我们的心情是难以言说的,既有一些欣慰,更有许多遗憾。之所以如此,是因为实在还有太多不满意的地方,比如有些应当深入探究的问题没有来得及深入研究,有些章节风格上难以完全统一。但是,这本书的问世,毕竟是我们探索中国特色社会主义政治文明建设理论的一次努力,同时也为以后的探索和研究提供了一种参考。 这本书是集体创作的成果,是在专题研究的基础上,综合设计、分工写作、统一定稿的产物。
  • 夙夜祭


  • 我突然开挂了


  • 小痞女穿越深宫2:只做皇后不做妃


  • 我要我们在一起


  • 人事如昨


  • 我的王者大军团


    带着王者英雄,组建超级军团。逆天而行,只为那无上荣耀! 叶斌打游戏身死,一朝清醒,却是处于放逐之地,不过还好,得王者系统绑定,大难不死。 既然这天地将我放逐,那我便逆了这苍天,踏破碧落黄泉! 诸位英雄,你许我赤胆忠心,我许你万世荣光!跟我上! 欺我,辱我,弃我者,一个字,杀!
  • 小川水


  • 魔舰

