

"I want to speak to you a minute," she said. "Come into this alcove."And the courageous young lady not only told Gifted what had happened to him, but found a pin somehow, as women always do on a pinch, and had him in presentable condition again almost before the bewildered young man knew what was the matter. On reflection it occurred to him, as it has to other provincial young persons going to great cities, that he might perhaps have been hasty in thinking himself an object of general curiosity as yet. There had hardly been time for his name to have become very widely known. Still, the feeling had been pleasant for the moment, and had given him an idea of what the rapture would be, when, wherever he went, the monster digit (to hint a classical phrase) of the collective admiring public would be lifted to point him out, and the whisper would pass from one to another, "That's him! That's Hopkins!"Mr. Murray Bradshaw had been watching the opportunity for carrying out his intentions, with his pleasant smile covering up all that was passing in his mind, and Master Byles Gridley, looking equally unconcerned, had been watching him. The young man's time came at last. Some were at the supper-table, some were promenading, some were talking, when he managed to get Myrtle a little apart from the rest, and led her towards one of the recesses in the apartment, where two chairs were invitingly placed. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were sparkling,--the influences to which he had trusted had not been thrown away upon her. He had no idea of letting his purpose be seen until he was fully ready. It required all his self-mastery to avoid betraying himself by look or tone, but he was so natural that Myrtle was thrown wholly off her guard. He meant to make her pleased with herself at the outset, and that not by point-blank flattery, of which she had had more than enough of late, but rather by suggestion and inference, so that she should find herself feeling happy without knowing how. It would be easy to glide from that to the impression she had produced upon him, and get the two feelings more or less mingled in her mind. And so the simple confession he meant to make would at length evolve itself logically, and hold by a natural connection to the first agreeable train of thought which he had called up. Not the way, certainly, that most young men would arrange their great trial scene; but Murray Bradshaw was a lawyer in love as much as in business, and considered himself as pleading a cause before a jury of Myrtle Hazard's conflicting motives. What would any lawyer do in a jury case but begin by giving the twelve honest men and true to understand, in the first place, that their intelligence and virtue were conceded by all, and that he himself had perfect confidence in them, and leave them to shape their verdict in accordance with these propositions and his own side of the case?

Myrtle had, perhaps, never so seriously inclined her ear to the honeyed accents of the young pleader. He flattered her with so much tact, that she thought she heard an unconscious echo through his lips of an admiration which he only shared with all around him. But in him he made it seem discriminating, deliberate, not blind, but very real. This it evidently was which had led him to trust her with his ambitions and his plans,--they might be delusions, but he could never keep them from her, and she was the one woman in the world to whom he thought he could safely give his confidence.

  • 河东记


  • 灵瑞禅师岩华集


  • 宋人轶事汇编


  • George Sand

    George Sand

  • A Woman-Hater

    A Woman-Hater

  • 伐天决


  • 纵横大陆之我的存在I


  • 成长中的你还好吗


  • 枕上栾爷之婚色枭枭


  • 师友诗传录


  • 梦卷残云之沐九尘


  • 狼人杀之夜尽天明


  • 警官杨前锋的故事


  • 黑帝独宠,杀手娇妻别想逃


    隔壁新坑《教主追夫路漫漫》了解一下~ 她是杀手,雪夜惨死,一朝重生,成为被所有嫌弃的傻子千金。厌倦血腥,她向往平淡,渐渐变成弱鸡。当经历很多之后,才恍然,唯有变强才能保护想保护的。他一代君王,杀伐果断,本该无情无爱,却唯独将她深刻心间。万年等待,只为再寻得那个她。当命运安排再度相遇,他们是否能破镜重圆?一次次经历生死别离,终明白,原来心始终相依,从未离弃。持子之手,愿与子偕老!
  • 老板,笑一个

