
第6章 II.(2)

THE ELEVATOR BOY: "We're in the shaft between the fourth and fifth floors." He attempts a fresh demonstration on the rope, but is prevented.

MILLER: "Hold on! Er--er" - MRS. CRASHAW, as if the boy had to be communicated with through an interpreter: "Ask him if it's ever happened before."

MILLER: "Yes. Were you ever caught before?"


MILLER: "He says no."

MRS. CRASHAW: "Ask him if the elevator has a safety device."

MILLER: "Has it got a safety device?"

THE ELEVATOR BOY: "How should I know?"

MILLER: "He says he don't know."

MRS. CURWEN, in a shriek of hysterical laughter: "Why, he understands English!"

MRS. CRASHAW, sternly ignoring the insinuation: "Ask him if there's any means of calling the janitor."

MILLER: "Could you call the janitor?"

THE ELEVATOR BOY, ironically: "Well, there ain't any telephone attachment."

MILLER, solemnly: "No, he says there isn't."

MRS. CRASHAW, sinking back on the seat with resignation: "Well, I don't know what my niece will say."

MISS LAWTON: "Poor papa!"

YOUNG MR. BEMIS, gathering one of her wandering hands into his:

"Don't be frightened. I'm sure there's no danger."

THE ELEVATOR BOY, indignantly: "Why, she can't drop. The cogs in the runs won't let her!"

ALL: "Oh!"

MILLER, with a sigh of relief: "I knew there must be something of the kind. Well, I wish my wife had her fan."

MRS. CURWEN: "And if I had my left glove I should be perfectly happy. Not that I know what the cogs in the runs are!"

MRS. CRASHAW: "Then we're merely caught here?"

MILLER: "That's all."

MRS. CURWEN: "It's quite enough for the purpose. Couldn't you put on a life-preserver, Mr. Miller, and go ashore and get help from the natives?"

MISS LAWTON, putting her handkerchief to her eyes: "Oh, dear!"

MRS. CRASHAW, putting her arm around her: "Don't be frightened, my child. There's no danger."

YOUNG MR. BEMIS, caressing the hand which he holds: "Don't be frightened."

MISS LAWTON: "Don't leave me."

YOUNG MR. BEMIS: "No, no; I won't. Keep fast hold of my hand."

MISS LAWTON: "Oh, yes, I will! I'm ashamed to cry."

YOUNG MR. BEMIS, fervently: "Oh, you needn't be! It is perfectly natural you should."

MRS. CURWEN: "I'm too badly scared for tears. Mr. Miller, you seem to be in charge of this expedition--couldn't you do something? Throw out ballast, or let the boy down in a parachute? Or I've read of a shipwreck where the survivors, in an open boat, joined in a cry, and attracted the notice of a vessel that was going to pass them. We might join in a cry."

MILLER: "Oh, it's all very well joking, Mrs. Curwen" - MRS. CURWEN: "You call it joking!"

MILLER: "But it's not so amusing, being cooped up here indefinitely.

I don't know how we're to get out. We can't join in a cry, and rouse the whole house. It would be ridiculous."

MRS. CURWEN: "And our present attitude is so eminently dignified!

Well, I suppose we shall have to cast lots pretty soon to see which of us shall be sacrificed to nourish the survivors. It's long past dinner-time."

MISS LAWTON, breaking down: "Oh, DON'T say such terrible things."

YOUNG MR. BEMIS, indignantly comforting her: "Don't, don't cry.

There's no danger. It's perfectly safe."

MILLER to THE ELEVATOR BOY: "Couldn't you climb up the cable, and get on to the landing, and--ah!--get somebody?"

THE ELEVATOR BOY: "I could, maybe, if there was a hole in the roof."

MILLER, glancing up: "Ah! true."

MRS. CRASHAW, with an old lady's serious kindness: "My boy, can't you think of anything to do for us?"

THE ELEVATOR BOY yielding to the touch of humanity, and bursting into tears: "No, ma'am, I can't. And everybody's blamin' me, as if I done it. What's my poor mother goin' to do?"

MRS. CRASHAW, soothingly: "But you said the runs in the cogs" - THE ELEVATOR BOY: "How can I tell! That's what they say. They hain't never been tried."

MRS. CURWEN, springing to her feet: "There! I knew I should. Oh"--She sinks fainting to the floor.

MRS. CRASHAW, abandoning Miss Lawton to the ministrations of young Mr. Bemis, while she kneels beside Mrs. Curwen. and chafes her hand:

"Oh, poor thing! I knew she was overwrought by the way she was keeping up. Give her air, Mr. Miller. Open a--Oh, there isn't any window!"

MILLER, dropping on his knees, and fanning Mrs. Curwen: "There! there! Wake up, Mrs. Curwen. I didn't mean to scold you for joking.

I didn't, indeed. I--I--I don't know what the deuce I'm up to." He gathers Mrs. Curwen's inanimate form in his arms, and fans her face where it lies on his shoulder. "I don't know what my wife would say if" - MRS. CRASHAW: "She would say that you were doing your duty."

MILLER, a little consoled: "Oh, do you think so? Well, perhaps."

YOUNG MR. BEMIS: "Do you feel faint at all, Miss Lawton?"

MISS LAWTON: "No, I think not. No, not if you say it's safe."

YOUNG MR. BEMIS: "Oh, I'm sure it is!"

MISS LAWTON, renewing her hold upon his hand: "Well, then! Perhaps I hurt you?"

YOUNG MR. BEMIS: "No, no! You couldn't!'

MISS LAWTON: "How kind you are!"

MRS. CURWEN, opening her eyes: "Where" - MILLER, rapidly transferring her to Mrs. Crashaw: "Still in the elevator, Mrs. Curwen." Rising to his feet: "Something must be done. Perhaps we HAD better unite in a cry. It's ridiculous, of course. But it's the only thing we can do. Now, then! Hello!"


MRS. CRASHAW: "Agne-e-e-s!"

MRS. CURWEN, faintly: "Walter!"


MILLER: "Oh, that won't do. All join in 'Hello!'"

ALL: "Hello!"

MILLER: "Once more!"

ALL: "Hello!"

MILLER: "ONCE more!"

ALL: "Hello!"

MILLER: "Now wait a while." After an interval: "No, nobody coming." He takes out his watch. "We must repeat this cry at intervals of a half-minute. Now, then!" They all join in the cry, repeating it as MR. MILLER makes the signal with his lifted hand.

MISS LAWTON: "Oh, it's no use!"

MRS. CRASHAW: "They don't hear."

MRS. CURWEN: "They WON'T hear."

MILLER: "Now, then, three times!"

ALL: "Hello! hello! hello!"

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  • 金刚顶经多罗菩萨念诵法


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  • 骄阳


  • 快乐心灵的寓言故事(青少年快乐阅读系列)


    为了全面提高广大中小学生的知识基础,培养阅读的兴趣和爱好, 这套课外读物主要包括有关成长、生命、神童、亲情、爱心、感恩、母爱、父爱、心态、美德、人格、幽默、思维、习惯、励志、真情、名人、英雄、语文、数学、名著、唐诗、地理、历史、美术、音乐、文学、电影、谜语、哲学、哲理、信仰、智慧、文明、发现、科幻、推理、侦探、战争、探险、惊险、财富、时尚、神话、民间、公主、医学、天文、寓言、建筑、名胜、海洋、奥秘、奇趣、植物、动物的故事,既有一般的故事, 也有知识故事, 这样, 把阅读故事与掌握知识结合起来, 就能扩大阅读的深度和范围,这正是设计本套新课标课外读物的最大特色。
  • 活力之源:地球能源大盘点(科学新导向丛书)


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  • 豪门隐婚:前夫别挡路


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