

"It is very easy to see that we are not the only ones who suspect his sentiments," I said, smiling at my thoughts. "Mrs. Colquhoun told me that she and Salemina stopped at one of the tenants' cabins, the other day, to leave some small comforts that Dr. La Touche had sent to a sick child. The woman thanked Salemina, and Mrs.

Colquhoun heard her say, 'When a man will stop, coming in the doore, an' stoop down to give a sthroke and a scratch to the pig's back, depend on it, ma'am, him that's so friendly with a poor fellow- crathur will make ye a good husband.'

"I have given him every opportunity to confide in me," I continued, after a pause, "but he accepts none of them; and yet I like him a thousand times better now that I have seen him as the master of his own house. He is so courtly, and, in these latter days, so genial and sunny . . . Salemina's life would not at first be any too easy, I fear; the aunt is very feeble, and the establishment is so neglected. I went into Dr. Gerald's study the other day to see an old print, and there was a buzz-buzz-zzzz when the butler pulled up the blinds. 'Do you mind bees, ma'am?' he asked blandly. 'There's been a swarm of them in one corner of the ceiling for manny years, an' we don't like to disturb them.' . . . Benella said yesterday:

'Of course, when you three separate, I shall stay with the one that needs me most; but if Miss Peabody SHOULD settle over here anywhere, I'd like to take a scrubbing brush an' go through the castle, or whatever she's going to live in, with soap and sand and ammonia, and make it water-sweet before she sets foot in it.' . . . As for the children, however, no one could regard them as a drawback, for they are altogether charming; not well disciplined, of course, but lovable to the last degree. Broona was planning her future life when we were walking together yesterday. Jackeen is to be 'an engineer, by the sea,' so it seems, and Broona is to be a farmer's wife with a tiny red bill-book like Mrs. Colquhoun's. Her little boys and girls will sell the milk, and when Jackeen has his engineering holidays he will come and eat fresh butter and scones and cream and jam at the farm, and when her children have their holidays they will go and play on 'Jackeen's beach.' It is the little people I rely upon chiefly, after all. I wish you could have seen them cataract down the staircase to greet her this morning. I notice that she tries to make me divert their attention when Dr.

Gerald is present; for it is a bit suggestive to a widower to see his children pursue, hang about, and caress a lovely, unmarried lady. Broona, especially, can hardly keep away from Salemina; and she is such a fascinating midget, I should think anybody would be glad to have her included in a marriage contract. 'You have a weeny, weeny line between your eyebrows, just like my daddy's,' she said to Salemina the other day. 'It's such a little one, perhaps I can kiss it away; but daddy has too many, and they are cutted too deep. Sometimes he whispers, 'Daddy is sad, Broona,' and then I say, 'Play up, play up, and play the game!' and that makes him smile.'"

"She is a darling," said Francesca, with the suspicion of a tear in her eye. "'Were you ever in love, Miss Fancy?' she asked me once.

  • 使女受禄如天


    轻松、暴笑的言情小说。放松心情,我们穿越啦…… 我叫叶禄,在一个极其平常的夜晚…穿越了,而且是穿到了自己刚买的一套小说世界里。你们明白“刚.买.的”是什么恐怖的概念吗?就是我才看到小说的第三章就穿了,基本人物还没全出场呢,只知道自己是个女反派的我,果断选择真爱生命、远离主角,但为什么“危险”总是向我扑面而来? 我脱了鞋袜爬上床就发现自己只要微微一转身就会直接掉进重怜怀里。 我有些尴尬的说:“那个,魏辽上次是睡在最里边,我们中间隔着有半臂距离的。” “可我不喜欢睡边上。” “你不是说上次怎么睡这次就要怎样睡吗?” “对啊,我是说禄儿上次怎样睡这次就怎样睡,并没有说我也要那样啊。” “你一个君王怎么能赖皮!” “一个侍女怎么能说君王赖皮!” “你不是说不会拿侍女的身份束缚我吗?” “可禄儿你不也乖乖来侍寝了吗?” “还不是你传令让我来的?” “禄儿真乖。” 我无语问苍天,“一定有人把我温润善良的重怜给调包了。”
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