
第3章 I(3)

Maybe a shooting-match mit prizes--I pay for them--pretty soon after you come. Und joodgement--und joodgement. Here comes that train. Haf you well understand?"Upon this the two shook hands, looking square friendship in each other's eyes. The east-bound, long quiet and dark beneath its flowing clots of smoke, slowed to a halt. A few valises and legs descended, ascended, herding and hurrying; a few trunks were thrown resoundingly in and out of the train; a woolly, crooked old man came with a box and a bandanna bundle from the second-class car; the travellers of a thousand miles looked torpidly at him through the dim, dusty windows of their Pullman, and settled again for a thousand miles more. Then the east-bound, shooting heavier clots of smoke laboriously into the air, drew its slow length out of Nampa, and away.

"Where's that stage?" shrilled the woolly old man. "That's what I'm after.""Why, hello!" shouted Vogel. "Hello, Uncle Pasco! I heard you was dead."Uncle Pasco blinked his small eyes to see who hailed him. "Oh!" said he, in his light, crusty voice. "Dutchy Vogel. No, I ain't dead. You guessed wrong. Not dead. Help me up, Dutchy."A tolerant smile broadened Vogel's face. "It was ten years since I see you," said he, carrying the old man's box.

"Shouldn't wonder. Maybe it'll be another ten till you see me next." He stopped by the stage step, and wheeling nimbly, surveyed his old-time acquaintance, noting the good hat, the prosperous watch-chain, the big, well-blacked boots. "Not seen me for ten years. Hee-hee! No. Usen't to have a cent more than me. Twins in poverty. That's how Dutchy and me started. If we was buried to-morrow they'd mark him 'Pecunious' and me 'Impecunious.' That's what. Twins in poverty.""I stick to von business at a time, Uncle," said good-natured, successful Max.

A flicker of aberration lighted in the old man's eye. "H'm, yes," said he, pondering. "Stuck to one business. So you did. H'm." Then, suddenly sly, he chirped: "But I've struck it rich now." He tapped his box.

"Jewelry," he half-whispered. "Miners and cow-boys.""Yes," said Vogel. "Those poor, deluded fellows, they buy such stuff."And he laughed at the seedy visionary who had begun frontier life with him on the bottom rung and would end it there. "Do you play that concertina yet, Uncle?" he inquired.

"Yes, yes. I always play. It's in here with my tooth-brush and socks."Uncle Pasco held up the bandanna. "Well, he's getting ready to start. Iguess I'll be climbing inside. Holy Gertrude!"This shrill comment was at sight of the school-master, patient within the stage. "What business are you in?" demanded Uncle Pasco.

"I am in the spelling business," replied the teacher, and smiled, faintly.

"Hell!" piped Uncle Pasco. "Take this."

He handed in his bandanna to the traveller, who received it politely. Max Vogel lifted the box of cheap jewelry; and both he and the boy came behind to boost the old man up on the stage step. But with a nettled look he leaped up to evade them, tottered half-way, and then, light as a husk of grain, got himself to his seat and scowled at the schoolmaster.

After a brief inspection of that pale, spectacled face, "Dutchy," he called out of the door, "this country is not what it was."But old Max Vogel was inattentive. He was speaking to the boy, Dean Drake, and held a flask in his hand. He reached the flask to his new superintendent. "Drink hearty," said he. "There, son! Don't be shy. Haf you forgot it is forbidden fruit after now?""Kid sworn off?" inquired Uncle Pasco of the school-master.

"I understand," replied this person, "that Mr. Vogel will not allow his cow-boys at the Malheur Agency to have any whiskey brought there.

Personally, I feel gratified." And Mr. Bolles, the new school-master, gave his faint smile.

"Oh," muttered Uncle Pasco. "Forbidden to bring whiskey on the ranch?

H'm." His eyes wandered to the jewelry-box. "H'm," said he again; and becoming thoughtful, he laid back his moth-eaten sly head, and spoke no further with Mr. Bolles.

Dean Drake climbed into the stage and the vehicle started.

"Goot luck, goot luck, my son!" shouted the hearty Max, and opened and waved both his big arms at the departing boy: He stood looking after the stage. "I hope he come back," said he. "I think he come back. If he come I r-raise him fifty dollars without any beard."

  • 再生缘


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  • Charmides


  • 灌畦暇语


  • 负暄野录


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 观人管人用人绝招(上)


  • 追仙成夫


  • 姜椿芳文集(第三卷)


  • 狐狸“弟弟”不好惹


  • 三国潘凤传


  • 中国地理未解之谜


  • 哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    本书精选了畅销书作家陈昂200余首新诗,共分为“那年初见 如花美眷”“文艺腮红 不语不言”“往事如烟 浅笑而安”“余生很长 何必慌忙”等十一个专辑。这些诗歌既有清新唯美的“抒情哲理诗”,也有朦胧精湛的“截句诗”。诗歌主题积极向上,昂扬而又超脱。陈昂的写作笔法清新、精炼,简短的语言呈现多维的立体感。陈昂的创作是“青春期写作(春草派风格)”,他的每一首诗都有大方简单而内涵唯美的外衣,静静品味会发现诗的本质与内涵,领悟到诗歌底蕴里蕴含的“家国情怀”和对“宇宙”对“人生”的思考。这些诗歌里潜伏的“正能量”正是我们洗涤灵魂、陶冶情操、慰藉心灵的“刚需”,特别适合生活中迷茫的年轻人阅读。
  • 记录我有趣的日常生活

