

"I can see nothing," he said, "but in any case I don't think they would attack a hospital ship. This is a dangerous area for them, too. We are bound to have a few destroyers close at hand. I wonder if Ralph--"He never finished his sentence. The shock which they had both read about but never dreamed of experiencing, flung them without a moment's warning onto their hands and feet. The steamer seemed as though it had been lifted out of the water. There was a report as though some great cannon had been fired off in their very ears. Looking along the deck, it suddenly seemed to Thomson that her bows were pointing to the sky. The after portion, where they were seated, was vibrating and shaking as though they had struck a rock, and only a few yards away from them, towards the middle of the boat, the end of the cabin was riven bare to the heavens. Timbers were creaking and splintering in every direction. There was a great gap already in the side of the steamer, as though some one had taken a cut out of it. Then, high above the shrieking of the escaped steam and the cracking of woodwork, the siren of the boat screamed out its frantic summons for help. Geraldine for the moment lost her nerve.

She began to shriek, and ran towards the nearest boat, into which the people were climbing like ants. Thomson drew her back.

"Don't hurry," he begged. "Here!"

He threw open the door of a cabin which leaned over them, snatched two of the lifebelts from the berth and rapidly fastened one on her. There was some semblance of order on deck now that the first confusion had passed. The men were all rushing to quarters. Three of the boats had been blown into splinters upon their davits. The fourth, terribly overloaded, was being lowered. Thomson, working like a madman, was tying some spare belts on to a table which had floated out from the cabin. More than once the boat gave a great plunge and they had to hold on to the cabin doors. A huge wave broke completely over them, drenching them from head to foot. The top of the rail now was on a level with the sea. Thomson stood up for a moment and looked around. Then he turned to Geraldine.

"Look here," he said, "there'll be plenty of craft around to pick us up. This thing can't sink. Keep the lifebelt on and get your arms through the belt Ihave tied on to the table, so. That's right. Now come over to the side.""You're not going to jump overboard?" she cried.

"We are going to just step overboard," he explained. "It's the only chance.

Throw off your fur cloak. You see, if we stay a moment later we shall be dragged down after the steamer. We must get clear while we can.""I can swim," he answered quickly, throwing off his coat and waistcoat. "This thing will support me easily. Believe me, Geraldine, there's nothing to be frightened about. We can keep her afloat for half-a-dozen hours, if necessary, with this only don't let go of it. Keep your arms through, and--by God! Quick!"A huge wave broke right over their heads. The boat, which had nearly reached the level of the water, was overturned, and the air seemed full of the screaming of women, the loud shouting of orders from the bridge, where the captain was standing with his hands upon the fast sinking rail. The water was up to their waists now. In a moment they ceased to feel anything beneath their feet. Geraldine found herself suddenly buoyant. Thomson, swimming with one arm, locked the other in their raft.

"Push yourself away from everything as well as you can," he whispered, "and, Geraldine--if anything should happen to us, I never changed--not for a moment.""I don't believe I ever did, either," she sobbed, holding out her hand.

Another wave broke over them. They came up, however. He gripped her wet hand for a moment. All around them were articles of ship's furniture, broken planks, here and there a man swimming. From close at hand came the shriek of the vanishing siren.

"Look!" Geraldine cried.

Barely fifty feet away from them was the submarine. The captain and four or five of the men where on deck. Thomson shouted to him.

"Can't you save some of these women?"

The answer was a laugh--hoarse, brutal, derisive. The submarine glided away.

  • 护命放生轨仪法


  • 执节


  • 梁书


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  • 中唐名将


    张巡在唐朝开始不过一区区知县,但是经过安史之乱中的睢阳之战(睢阳,现在的河南商丘),唐肃宗追赠其为扬州大都督,远荆州大都督,封其为邓国公。赠张巡妻为申国夫人,张巡子为金吾大将军。大中年间,更将张巡的画像置于凌烟阁上。由此可见其在安史之乱中所起的作用。 另外,陕西境内有老王会一说,所为孝王,即是两位爱国英雄张巡许远;还有,道教玉帝封为“宝山忠靖景佑福德真君司马圣王,亦称斩鬼张真君,其像为白面黑须幞头持笏的文臣装束,有联曰:“忠勇称司马,英圣号圣王”。附神有许远、部将南霁云、雷万春、妻刘氏、妾柳氏,还有雷万春等。 在福建莆田,张巡还被尊奉为司马圣王,是保境安民的神灵。每年在正月闹元宵中,有不少地方抬着张巡、许远和手下诸将的神像绕境行道,盛况空前,热闹非凡。那么,人们为什么要抬着他们的神像呢? 。。。。。。
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  • 培养青少年观察能力的断案故事

