

POLYNESIA was waiting for us in the front porch. She looked full of some important news.

"Doctor," said she, "the Purple Bird-of-Paradise has arrived!"

"At last!" said the Doctor. "I had begun to fear some accident had befallen her. And how is Miranda?"

From the excited way in which the Doctor fumbled his key into the lock I guessed that we were not geing to get our tea right away, even now.

"Oh, she seemed all right when she arrived," said Polynesia--"tired from her long journey of course but otherwise all right. But what DO you think? That mischief-making sparrow, Cheapside, insulted her as soon as she came into the garden. When I arrived on the scene she was in tears and was all for turning round and going straight back to Brazil to-night. I had the hardest work persuading her to wait till you came. She's in the study. I shut Cheapside in one of your book-cases and told him I'd tell you exactly what had happened the moment you got home."

The Doctor frowned, then walked silently and quickly to the study.

Here we found the candles lit; for the daylight was nearly gone.

Dab-Dab was standing on the floor mounting guard over one of the glass-fronted book-cases in which Cheapside had been imprisoned.

The noisy little sparrow was still fluttering angrily behind the glass when we came in.

In the centre of the big table, perched on the ink-stand, stood the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. She had a deep violet-colored breast, scarlet wings and a long, long sweeping tail of gold. She was unimaginably beautiful but looked dreadfully tired. Already she had her head under her wing; and she swayed gently from side to side on top of the ink-stand like a bird that has flown long and far.

"Sh!" said Dab-Dab. "Miranda is asleep. I've got this little imp Cheapside in here. Listen, Doctor: for Heaven's sake send that sparrow away before he does any more mischief. He's nothing but a vulgar little nuisance. We've had a perfectly awful time trying to get Miranda to stay. Shall I serve your tea in here, or will you come into the kitchen when you're ready?"

"We'll come into the kitchen, Dab-Dab," said the Doctor. "Let Cheapside out before you go, please."

Dab-Dab opened the bookcase-door and Cheapside strutted out trying hard not to look guilty.

"Cheapside," said the Doctor sternly, "what did you say to Miranda when she arrived?"

"I didn't say nothing, Doc, straight I didn't. That is, nothing much. I was picking up crumbs off the gravel path when she comes swanking into the garden, turning up her nose in all directions, as though she owned the earth--just because she's got a lot of colored plumage. A London sparrow's as good as her any day. I don't hold by these gawdy bedizened foreigners nohow. Why don't they stay in their own country?"

"But what did you say to her that got her so offended?"

"All I said was, 'You don't belong in an English garden; you ought to be in a milliner's window. That's all."

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Cheapside. Don't you realize that this bird has come thousands of miles to see me-- only to be insulted by your impertinent tongue as soon as she reaches my garden? What do you mean by it?--If she had gone away again before I got back to-night I would never have forgiven you-- Leave the room."

Sheepishly, but still trying to look as though he didn't care, Cheapside hopped out into the passage and Dab-Dab closed the door.

The Doctor went up to the beautiful bird on the ink-stand and gently stroked its back. Instantly its head popped out from under its wing.

  • 江暖:隔壁房间的性感


  • 逆天狂女:天才驯兽师


  • 三十年细说从头(全集)


    大导演李翰祥1948至1979两岸三地回忆录 一字未删,完整本内地首次出版! 本书集结自李翰祥导演二十世纪七十年代在香港《东方日报》连载的同名专栏,内容涵盖其从影三十年的心得杂感,两岸三地影坛的掌故见闻,老北京民俗文化的五行八作等。全书幽默风趣,文辞生动,细节丰富,金句百出,甫一推出海外华文报纸便竞相转载,深得广大读者喜爱。此次恰逢李翰祥导演诞辰九十周年暨逝世二十周年,经过重新增补、整理,附上难得一见的家庭珍藏照,同时推出精装限量典藏版和平装版,以表纪念。
  • 重生之无尽进化


  • 天天营养百味:新派拿手菜


  • 盛武之巅


  • 寒夜慢慢晚相依


  • 乐逍遥


  • 至尊王者闯都市


  • 万族两代

