

Mary sighed. "I'm glad I am here, too, Isaiah," she agreed, "although I, too, don't know that I can do anything. But," she added solemnly, "I am going to try very hard. Now we mustn't let Uncle Shad or Uncle Zoeth know that I have heard about their trouble. We must let them think I am at home for an extra holiday.

Then I shall be able to look things over and perhaps plan a little.

When I am ready to tell what I mean to do I can tell the rest. . . .

Sshh! Here comes one of them now. It's Uncle Zoeth. Look happy, Isaiah! HAPPY--not as if you were choking to death! Well, Uncle Zoeth, aren't you surprised to see me?"

Surprised he certainly was; at first, like Isaiah, he could scarcely believe she was really there. Then, naturally, he wished to know WHY she was there. She dodged the questions as best she could and Zoeth, innocent and truthful as always, accepted without a suspicion her vague explanation concerning an opportunity to run down and see them for a little while. Dinner was put on the table and then Isaiah hastened up to relieve Shadrach at the store in order that the partners and Mary might eat together.

The Captain arrived a few minutes later, red-faced, vociferous, and joyful.

"Well," he shouted, throwing his arms about her and kissing her with a smack which might have been heard in Abner Bacheldor's yard, "if THIS ain't a surprise! Zoeth said this mornin' he felt as if somethin' was goin' to happen, and then Isaiah upset the tea kittle all over both my feet and I said I felt as if it HAD happened. But it hadn't, had it! Well, if it ain't good to look at you, Mary-

'Gusta! How'd you happen to come this time of year? Has the schoolhouse foundered?"

Mary repeated the excuse she had given Mr. Hamilton. It was sufficient. The partners were too happy at having her with them to be overcurious concerning her reasons for coming. Captain Shad talked and joked and laughed and Zoeth nodded and smiled in his quiet way. If Mary had not known their secret she would not have guessed it but, as it was, she noticed how pale and worn Mr. Hamilton looked and how the Captain had become prone to fits of unwonted silence from which he seemed to arouse himself with an effort and, after a glance at her, to talk and laugh louder than ever, Once she ventured to ask how business was and it would have been almost funny if it had not been so pathetic, the haste with which they both assured her that it was about the same.

After dinner she announced her intention of going up to the store.

Her uncles exchanged looks and then Zoeth said:

"What makes you do that, Mary-'Gusta? Nice day like this I'd be out of door if I was you. We don't need you at the store, do we, Shadrach?"

"Not more'n a fish needs a bathin' suit," declared the Captain, with conviction. "You go see some of the girls and have a good time, Mary-'Gusta."

But Mary declined to go and see any of the girls. She could have a better time at the store than anywhere else, she said. She went to the store and spent the afternoon and evening there, watching and listening. There was not much to watch, not more than a dozen customers during the entire time, and those bought but little. The hardest part of the experience for her was to see how eager her uncles were to please each caller and how anxiously each watched the other's efforts and the result. To see Zoeth at the desk poring over the ledger, his lips moving and the pencil trembling in his fingers, was as bad as, but no worse than, to see Captain Shadrach, a frown on his face and his hands in his pockets, pace the floor from the back door to the front window, stop, look up the road, draw a long breath that was almost a groan, then turn and stride back again.

  • 玄帝灯仪


  • 陀罗尼杂集卷


  • 花间集


  • 道德真经解


  • 杂着


  • 每天学一点销售心理擒拿术


  • 老子的地盘都得跪


  • 武以振魂


  • 罗特小说集6:塔拉巴斯


  • 腹黑仙尊呆萌妻


  • 随便想写点东西


  • 中国历史上的非凡女人


    人物:中国历史上的非凡女人 情节:始于上古之传说,经前秦、唐、宋、元、明、清,直至民国止,历经中国上下五千年之悠远,集历史相关之典籍,寻名家相关之著作,终得历史有载之数百非凡女子。 其中女子形色各异,不乏美貌贤良者,如:夏朝后缗、商朝妇好,唐朝长孙,清朝孝庄…… 不乏祸国殃民者,如:夏桀末喜,殷纣妲己、周幽褎姒、晋献骊姬、鲁庄哀姜、陈女夏姬…… 不乏权利熏心者,如:汉代吕后,唐代武则天,清代慈禧……之流; 亦不乏貌丑而贤者,如:黄帝(次妃)嫫母、梁鸿之妻孟光、齐宣之后钟离春……之辈; 此部作品以时间之序为“筋”;引众多古籍,名家著作为“骨”;以数百女子之故事为“肉”,打造了一部规模宏大的现代版《列女传》。
  • 轮回仙缘之漓风


  • 要么适应公司,要么离开公司


  • 唤醒千年的记忆:银发帝妃

