

I confess 'tis possible a fool may reveal himself by his Dress,in wearing something extravagantly singular and ridiculous,or in preposterous suiting of colours;but a decency of Habit (which is all that Men of best sense pretend to)may be acquired by custom and example,without putting the Person to a superfluous expence of wit for the contrivance;and though there should be occasion for it,few are so unfortunate in their Relations and Acquaintance not to have some Friend capable of giving them advice,if they are not too ignorantly conceited to ask it.Aurelian was so pleased with the easiness and smartness of her Expostulation,that he forgot to make a reply,when she seem'd to expect it;but being a Woman of a quick Apprehension,and justly sensible of her own perfections,she soon perceived he did not grudge his attention.However she had a mind to put it upon him to turn the discourse,so went on upon the same Subject.'Signior (said she)I have been looking round me,and by your Maxim I cannot discover one fool in the Company;for they are all well drest.This was spoken with an Air of Rallery that awakened the Cavalier,who immediately made answer:'Tis true,Madam,we see there may be as much variety of good fancies as of faces,yet there may be many of both kinds borrowed and adulterate if inquired into;and as you were pleased to observe,the invention may be Foreign to the Person who puts it in practice;and as good an Opinion as I have of an agreeable Dress,I should be loth to answer for the wit of all about us.I believe you (says the Lady)and hope you are convinced of your error,since you must allow it impossible to tell who of all this Assembly did or did not make choice of their own Apparel.Not all (said Aurelian)there is an ungainness in some which betrays them.'Look ye there (says he)pointing to a Lady who stood playing with the Tassels of her Girdle,I dare answer for that Lady,though she be very well dress'd,'tis more than she knows.His fair unknown could not forbear laughing at his particular distinction,and freely told him,he had indeed light upon one who knew as little as any body in the Room,her self excepted.Ah!Madam,(reply'd Aurelian)you know every thing in the World but your own Perfections,and you only know not those because 'tis the top of Perfection not to know them.

How?(reply'd the Lady)I thought it had been the extremity of knowledge to know ones self.Aurelian had a little over-strain'd himself in that Complement,and I am of Opinion would have been puzzl'd to have brought himself off readily:but by good fortune the Musick came into the Room and gave him an opportunity to seem to decline an answer,because the company prepared to dance:he only told her he was too mean a Conquest for her wit who was already a Slave to the Charms of her Person.She thanked him for his Complement,and briskly told him she ought to have made him a return in praise of his wit,but she hoped he was a Man more happy than to be dissatisfy'd with any of his own Endowments;and if it were so,that he had not a just Opinion of himself,she knew her self incapable of saying any thing to beget one.Aurelian did not know well what to make of this last reply;for he always abhor'd any thing that was conceited,with which this seem'd to reproach him.But however modest he had been heretofore in his own thoughts,yet never was he so distrustful of his good behaviour as now,being rally'd so by a Person whom he took to be of judgment:Yet he resolved to take no notice,but with an Air unconcerned and full of good humour entreated her to Dance with him:She promised him to Dance with no body else,nor I believe had she inclination;for notwithstanding her tartness,she was upon equal terms with him as to the liking of each others Person and Humour,and only gave those little hints to try his Temper;there being certainly no greater sign of folly and ill breeding,than to grow serious and concerned at any thing spoken in rallery:for his part,he was strangely and insensibly fallen in love with her Shape,Wit and Air;which,together with a white Hand,he had seen (perhaps not accidentally)were enough to have subdued a more stubborn Heart than ever he was master of;and for her Face,which he had not seen,he bestowed upon her the best his Imagination could furnish him with.I should by right now describe her Dress,which was extreamly agreeable and rich,but 'tis possible I might err in some material Pin or other,in the sticking of which may be the whole grace of the Drapery depended.Well,they danced several times together,and no less to the satisfaction of the whole Company,than of themselves;for at the end of each Dance,some publick note of Applause or other was given to the graceful Couple.

Aurelian was amaz'd,that among all that danced or stood in view he could not see Hippolito;but concluding that he had met with some pleasing Conversation,and was withdrawn to some retired part of the Room,he forbore his search till the mirth of that Night should be over,and the Company ready to break up,where we will leave him for a while,to see what became of his adventurous Friend.

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