
第64章 TOGETHER(2)

Lahoma shuddered.YES!You see,NOW,what a fiend Red Kimball is.And you know,NOW,what a hold he has over Mr.Gledware,--can make him testify in such a way as to ruin my poor Brick.If Brick knew this,he'd understand how important it is to flee for his life and never,never let himself be taken.But he thinks nobody could get the better of Red Feather.You see,if he just dreamed what has happened,he'd KNOW Mr.Gledware can convict him.

We must reach Brick Willock before Red Kimball gets his warrant!exclaimed Wilfred desperately.

Yes,we must,we must!Lahoma was growing slightly hysterical.I won't mind any hardship,any danger--but what are we to do?You won't let me ride on alone--and you wouldn't be willing to leave me here and take the good horse yourself.

You're quite right about that!returned the young man promptly.We can only mount again,and go as fast as my miserable beast can travel,hoping for some chance to come our way.We have the advantage of not being in the stage where Kimball could keep an eye on us.

I ought to be more thankful for that than I am,Lahoma sighed.They mounted,but as they rode forward,Wilfred's horse lagged more and more.It's slow sailing,Wilfred remarked,but it will give us a chance to talk.By the way,do you feel ready for supper?From his overcoat pocket he drew forth the sandwiches.

It seemed to Lahoma to show an unfeeling heart to experience hunger at such a time,and to find the ham sandwiches good;but it was none the less true that they were good,and the mustard with which the ham was plastered added a tang of hope and returned a defiant answer to the cold inquiry of the north wind.

After they had eaten and the remaining sandwiches had been carefully stowed away in Wilfred's capacious pocket,they pressed forward with renewed energy on the part of all save Wilfred's horse.By dint of constant urging it was kept going faster than a walk though it was obsessed by a consuming desire to lie down.In order to keep Lahoma's mind from dwelling on their difficulties and on Brick's peril,the young man maintained conversation at high pressure,ably seconded by his companion who was anxious to show herself undaunted.

Wilfred chose as the topic to engage Lahoma's mind,the future of Oklahoma Territory.The theme filled him with enthusiasm such as no long-settled commonwealth is able to inspire,and though Lahoma considered herself a Texan,she was able to enter into his spirit from having always lived at the margin of the new country.Wilfred dwelt on the day when Oklahoma would no longer be represented in congress by a delegate without the right to vote,but would take its place as a state whose constitution should be something new and inspiring in the history of civil documents.

Wilfred meant to have a part in the framing of that constitution and as he outlined some of his theories of government,Lahoma listened with quick sympathy and appreciation.A new feeling for him,something like admiration,something like pride,stirred within her.Here was a man who meant to do things,things eminently worth a man's time and strength;and yet,for all his high purposes,there was no look,no tone,to indicate that he held himself at a higher valuation than those for whom he meant to labor.As in time of stress the strongest man is given the heaviest burden,so he seemed to take to himself a leading part in the future of his country that all who dwelt within its borders might find it a freer,a richer,a better country because of him.

You'll call me ambitious,said Wilfred,glowing.Well,I am.You'll accuse me of wanting power.So I do!

Her eyes flashed.And I'm ambitious for you!she cried.Go ahead and get power.Take the earth!Don't stop till you reach the sea--that's the spirit of the West.But how did you ever think of these things?

During my long winters on my quarter-section,nobody in sight--just the prairie and me.Nothing else to think about except the country that's new-born.So I studied out a good many things,just thinking about Oklahoma and--and--

Lahoma said softly,I KNEW there was SOMETHING ELSE you thought about.

Yes,exclaimed Wilfred,thrilled.Yes--there WAS something else!A little girl,I guess,murmured Lahoma gently,with a touch of compassion in her tone.

You've guessed it,Lahoma--yes,the dearest little girl in the world.

I wish she could have cared for you--THAT way--like your voice sounds,murmured Lahoma.

Maybe she can,Wilfred's voice grew firmer.Yes--she MUST!Have you found a gold-mine?

What are you talking about,Lahoma?What has a gold-mine to do with it?

Because nothing else goes,returned Lahoma decisively.You might get single statehood for Oklahoma,and write the constitution yourself,and be elected governor--but you'd look just the same to Annabel,unless you had a gold-mine.

Wilfred gave a jerk at his bridle.Who's talking about Annabel?he cried rather sharply.He had forgotten that there was an Annabel.

Everybody is,returned Lahoma,somewhat sharply on her own account,everybody is,or ought to be!

I am not,retorted Wilfred,springing to the ground just in time--for his horse,on being checked,had promptly lain down.

Then that's what you get!remarked Lahoma severely,staring down at the dark blur on the trail which her imagination correctly interpreted as the horse stretched out on its side.

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