
第5章 Little Sister(5)

Never in all my life was I so surprised,and astonished,and bewildered.She was even larger than our Sally;her dress was pale green,like I thought a Fairy's should be;her eyes were deep and dark as Laddie had said,her hair hung from a part in the middle of her forehead over her shoulders,and if she had been in the sun,it would have gleamed like a blackbird's wing.

She was just as Laddie said she would be;she was so much more beautiful than you would suppose any woman could be,I stood there dumbly staring.I wouldn't have asked for any one more perfectly beautiful or more like Laddie had said the Princess would be;but she was no more the daughter of the Fairy Queen than I was.She was not any more of a Princess.If father ever would tell all about the little bauble he kept in the till of his big chest,maybe she was not as near!She was no one on earth but one of those new English people who had moved on the land that cornered with ours on the northwest.She had ridden over the roads,and been at our meeting house.There could be no mistake.

And neither father nor mother would want her on our place.They didn't like her family at all.Mother called them the neighbourhood mystery,and father spoke of them as the Infidels.

They had dropped from nowhere,mother said,bought that splendid big farm,moved on and shut out every one.Before any one knew people were shut out,mother,dressed in her finest,with Laddie driving,went in the carriage,all shining,to make friends with them.This very girl opened the door and said that her mother was "indisposed,"and could not see callers."In-dis-posed!"That's a good word that fills your mouth,but our mother didn't like having it used to her.She said the "saucy chit"was insulting.Then the man came,and he said he was very sorry,but his wife would see no one.He did invite mother in,but she wouldn't go.She told us she could see past him into the house and there was such finery as never in all her days had she laid eyes on.She said he was mannerly as could be,but he had the coldest,severest face she ever saw.

They had two men and a woman servant,and no one could coax a word from them,about why those people acted as they did.They said 'orse,and 'ouse,and Hengland.They talked so funny you couldn't have understood them anyway.They never plowed or put in a crop.They made everything into a meadow and had more horses,cattle,and sheep than a county fair,and everything you ever knew with feathers,even peacocks.We could hear them scream whenever it was going to rain.Father said they sounded heathenish.I rather liked them.The man had stacks of money or they couldn't have lived the way they did.He came to our house twice on business:once to see about road laws,and again about tax rates.Father was mightily pleased at first,because Mr.

Pryor seemed to have books,and to know everything,and father thought it would be fine to be neighbours.But the minute Mr.

Pryor finished business he began to argue that every single thing father and mother believed was wrong.He said right out in plain English that God was a myth.Father told him pretty quickly that no man could say that in his house;so he left suddenly and had not been back since,and father didn't want him ever to come again.

Then their neighbours often saw the woman around the house and garden.She looked and acted quite as well as any one,so probably she was not half so sick as my mother,who had nursed three of us through typhoid fever,and then had it herself when she was all tired out.She wouldn't let a soul know she had a pain until she dropped over and couldn't take another step,and father or Laddie carried her to bed.But she went everywhere,saw all her friends,and did more good from her bed than any other woman in our neighbourhood could on her feet.So we thought mighty little of those Pryor people.

Every one said the girl was pretty.Then her clothes drove the other women crazy.Some of our neighbourhood came from far down east,like my mother.Our people back a little were from over the sea,and they knew how things should be,to be right.Many of the others were from Kentucky and Virginia,and they were well dressed,proud,handsome women;none better looking anywhere.

They followed the fashions and spent much time and money on their clothes.When it was Quarterly Meeting or the Bishop dedicated the church or they went to town on court days,you should have seen them--until Pryors came.Then something new happened,and not a woman in our neighbourhood liked it.Pamela Pryor didn't follow the fashions.She set them.If every other woman made long tight sleeves to their wrists,she let hers flow to the elbow and filled them with silk lining,ruffled with lace.If they wore high neckbands,she had none,and used a flat lace collar.If they cut their waists straight around and gathered their skirts on six yards full,she ran hers down to a little point front and back,that made her look slenderer,and put only half as much goods in her skirt.Maybe Laddie rode as well as she could;he couldn't manage a horse any better,and aside from him there wasn't a man we knew who would have tried to ride some of the animals she did.

If she ever worked a stroke,no one knew it.All day long she sat in the parlour,the very best one,every day;or on benches under the trees with embroidery frames or books,some of them fearful,big,difficult looking ones,or rode over the country.

She rode in sunshine and she rode in storm,until you would think she couldn't see her way through her tangled black hair.She rode through snow and in pouring rain,when she could have stayed out of it,if she had wanted to.She didn't seem to be afraid of anything on earth or in Heaven.Every one thought she was like her father and didn't believe there was any God;so when she came among us at church or any public gathering,as she sometimes did,people were in no hurry to be friendly,while she looked straight ahead and never spoke until she was spoken to,and then she was precise and cold,I tell you.

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    我们之所以保护这个时空,不是单纯为了维护这个世界的存在,更是因为这个时空里有我们想要保护的人。铁克历3014年7月1日,第385任铁克合众联盟盟主灸亣長荖·舞正式上任,长老会蠢蠢欲动。7月8日,灸舞盟主下令通缉前叶赫那拉家圣战禁卫军统领古拉依尔·兰陵王。7月18日,夏兰荇德家求得特赦令保兰陵王不死。8月3日,灸舞盟主亲自带队突袭长老会平定叛乱。战后,废长老会,新设内阁处理参与联盟政务。————————————驻站作品,不上架不入V基本上是自动上传,大家评论我会看见的。 为爱发电,但如果有投推荐票让更多的人看见这篇文那就更好了。作者是一个鸽子精,所以等把之前写的几十章发完后大概就更新不定了,不过我尽量在发完之前攒点稿子,但大家别抱希望。希望读者和谐相处,开开心心看文。男主单身无cp向,如果你们看出来什么那只是亲情和友情,相信我呀!
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